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Amethyst Cave Rock Climb


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I just got rock climb and wanted to start an event in Amethyst Cave. Near the end there are stairs but we can't go through them because of rocks, next to it is a place where we can use rock climb but I can't use it. It says  *it's no use, the rocks are too steep!*

And so I don't know what to do because on yt I saw that rock climb can be used there and it was like from a month ago. Ah, and it's v10.

Bez tytułu.jpg

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Ah... I realized what was wrong. I actually didn't have pokemon that had rock climb but instead used Golden Claws. Didn't thought that would really matter. So then I'm sorry that for my thoughtlessness and for wasting a post for such a question even though I didn't checked everything correctly, my bad this time.

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