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Summer Vacation

Cool Girl

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So, with summer over and going back to school and all of that, let's talk about how our summer vacation was! :D

So, I'll start: So, my summer was great! :D I was traveling all over the place for martial art competitions, so like I was in Oregon, Texas, Nevada, California......Then, I went camping just now. While I was in Oregon for one of my martial arts competitions, I took the chance to try out fishing! No luck :( Didn't catch anything. I also went to Washington D.C for politics, you know to actually get involved in politics, that is where I found my love to be a motivational speaker/politician when I grow up! :D Then, I just went camping with family and friends. Came back with mosquito bites all over my legs XD

So, I had two tragedies this summer:

1) My art teacher that I had from 1st-8th grade passed away from cancer

2) A classmate of mine committed suicide

So yeah guys, if I'm a bit down sometimes, don't worry about it, it's not because of you guys. It's because it's been a bit rough for me.

But anyways, enough about my summer, let's hear about your summer! :D Fly away!

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Yeah, well.. I sat in a room. My room, to be a bit more specific. I did another run of Reborn. Went out with some of my friends, got a bad sunburn. I suffered.. uh.. then I went back into my room for the rest of the vacations.. and did stuff.

Nah, seriously. My summer vacations never have been exciting. I sometimes visit people from our family, since most of us are scattered all across Germany, but that's it. I've never been that kind of person to just jump up, go outside and have fun. I'm rather calm and have people ask me to do stuff together with them. Boo, exciting. :P

Edited by Lagspike
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Did nothing but sleep and play video games for the first couple of weeks then went back to studying for the SAT AGAIN >.<

I was supposed to help chaperone a United Nations youth program that was traveling through the East Coast from DC to Philly, Boston and NYC but apparently they forgot to sign me up lmao. Instead I only stuck with them through DC since I live just about 20 minutes away. Met some really cool people. Still really wanted to go with them through the whole trip but couldn't.

Instead I just went to Philly and NYC with my family and some of my friends which was also pretty nice.

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where to start.

My summer was pretty great. I hung around with friends watching movies and going out, went out with gf. went to parties with friends and gf.

Activities were sports (soccer, basketball, paintball) drawing, working out, jogging

I just started my own fan game, which is one of my dreams

played some video games (pokemon, persona, cod, smite, minecraft sm, bf,)

overall summer was great. so lets all survive until next summer to have even greater fun

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Hung out with friends quite a lot.

Figured that since I wouldn't play tennis that much I should start jogging to keep fit. So I did that every other day.

I build my own PC and played a ton of the Witcher 3. And overall screwed up my sleep schedule to the point that I will probably take more than a week to return to a normal one.

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