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[Answered] King's Rock



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Ok I know this has been asked several times before. But I couldn't find any definitive answer anywhere. From what I've found, King's Rock is normally held by a wild Hawlucha. But I've found an info somewhere on this forum that Ame removed it from Hawlucha. And then more info that she re-added it. So I've caught a CompoundEyes Venonat and went to Route 2 to catch some Hawluchas. I caught like ten of them, no King's Rock. Then I tried a pokemon with Frisk ability and encountered several more Hawluchas. No message about a held item at all.

So is King's Rock obtainable or not? If yes, how?

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4 answers to this question

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a tip get a butterfree with compound eyes ability catch a caterpie with run away compound eyes signifigantly raises chance for a helld item if the pokemon is in the lead active or fainted dosnt matter

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I think you didn't read my first post. As I've said I did have a Venonat with Compound Exes ability and Smoke Ball item the whole time. Didn't help at all.

Anyway I've finally found the damn rock. Catching every Hawlucha in sight was a pain so every time I found one I switched to a pokemon with Frisk ability.

I'm curious about what my Cinccino will be capable of with it.

Thanks for the tip that the leader can be fainted though. Now when I'll be looking for an item I'll just let Venonat faint and give the Smoke Ball to my shiny Noibat with Frisk. That should speed it up quite a bit.

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