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I have some questions


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Hey guys, first thanks for reading this.

So yeah I wanted to know if it was possible to use fast forward in the game ? I saw someone on Youtube who was using it, and I thought it'd be useful for grinding and stuff.

Then, there is something I didn't get in the story. Why do Jenner, Geara ad Zetta are inside Nim's body ? I think it's just something that I'm not supposed to know at the moment, but not sure.

And finally, what's the use for shards ? Did I miss someone (Move Tutor?) or is it like for later in the game ?

Anyways thanks for reading through my broken english guys !

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1. you can use cheat engine to speed up the game if you're impatient like me


that was them in an alternate dimension, when you're almost at the sixth badge, they break free of Nim who was holding them there with his Psychic powers.

3. At the moment I don't think there's anything but it'll probably be like Reborn: tutors and such.

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Ok thanks a lot for your answers man. I just have no idea how to use that cheat device ^^. Anyways, I wont use fast forward except for grinding or if I have to do a long travel.

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