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Posts posted by Alemi

  1. 6 hours ago, paragoninterceptor said:

    As far as I know, it's referred to as Partner Pikachu in the files or at least it is on the wiki, which is supposedly created directly from them. Is there no way to select it as a starter, then, I assume?

    The wiki is from previous versions and outdated for the most part.

    Not only as starter, the only way to get Tazer in the game is to play as Alain starting with terajuma password.

    If you want to start the game normally, then no, you can't.

    If you go roundabout. You can use the Shared Box mod to start a game playing with Alain and using the terajuma password and then send Tazer to the Shared Box to pick it up on a game started normally after your starter. The issue is that Tazer is level 40, so it won't obey unelss you use Reverse Candies to lower its level.

  2. 7 minutes ago, paragoninterceptor said:

    Is there any way to select the Partner Pikachu as a starter?

    No, there is no partner Pikachu in this game. There is Tazer, which is similar, but it can only be obtained if you start the game on Terajuma with the terajuma password and choose Alain as your character as it is one the 6 level 40 mons Alain comes with.

  3. Don't report bugs to the devs if you are using mods. If you have issues with this mod use this thread to report it or contact me by Discord.


    The rar comes with the proper folder structure, just throw the contents into the game folder.


    You don't need the old versions unless the current one is giving you issues that an old one didn't.


    I made this mod separated from the QoL Mod Compilation Pack because I don't want people adding it by mistake if they just add all.


    This mod adds a QoL present in recent games, the one that shows the effectiveness of our moves. We can already check the types of the enemy, so this is saving us time from checking that fi you don't know the types and having to check what works better.



    Some people love this, others hate it, which is why I am providing it separate from everything else. Of course, bonus effects from the fields are also shown but that’s already available in non-modded Rejuv. The graphics to show the bonus of the fields differ with this mod to being able to show everything while looking good though.



    There are five indicators: Ineffective, 1/4, 1/2, x2, and x4, which is shown with colors and symbols very similar to how buffs and debuffs fields were shown. Now fields are shown with a big + or - of green or red color on the left side instead.



    On double battles you are shown both enemies, with the icons on left or right matching the opponent in question.


    If you think this mod can be improved further because something isn't being shown properly, please tell me. I know I can get more into specifics to get it better.


    • Update 2
      • Now it should be tracking all status moves correctly, tell me if I missed something. I left the old version available just in case this one is giving any issue.
    • Update1
      • First version released on this post. It is improved from ones I published on other places since moves affecting User and Partner don't show type advantage given that the enemy type is inconsequential. Some status moves are inconsequential of type too, but some are affected, so the ones affecting opponents are showing it for now.


    Download Update 2:

    ShowMoveEffectiveness Mod Update 2.rar




    Old Versions:

    ShowMoveEffectiveness Mod.rar


    • Like 1
  4. On 3/24/2024 at 2:33 AM, VoidKistune said:

    im co nfused at moving mods into the game i need help



    On 3/28/2024 at 11:50 PM, cartersunbeam said:

    where is the folder for installing the mods if you're playing on a mac? thank you in advance T_T

    The Rar has the correct folder structure just uncompress it on the game folder.


    On 3/29/2024 at 6:27 AM, tokunets said:


    I have been having the issue with ItemReplaceRestore, and using this version of the mod does not solve the problem.

    Last version should have it fixed, if not, tell me and I will check again.


    On 3/31/2024 at 4:30 AM, Quaggz said:

    Unreal time password is added and enabled, turned on in options, set to 180, no other mods other than modularinnit. Time is stuck at 00:30 Monday. No matter how much time goes by or how many times I rest with the pc, the time doesn't move. I have tried to save, exit, and reload, and changed cells. Nothing works. Please help!

    Some points of the game lock you in a certain time, time will progress again if you advance in the story.


    Updates return to the forum thread. Update 20 has been released.

  5. On 3/3/2024 at 9:50 AM, icyko2006 said:

    Will the mods affect future updates? for example, if I add the mod now and later update the game will there be any errors or I will have to remove the mods first

    No mods of this modpack can permanently affect your save, so you can add or remove them without issues. On a new update, the current ones may not work as expected and need to be updated, so you can either play without the mods that don't work after update or wait for an upate on the modpack.


    That said, unless there is a major overhaul in the code like from V13 to v13.5 most things shouldn't break, but it would be too much luck that nothing broke on V14.


    Note: Mods that add pokemon/items that aren't otherwise available on the code will alter your save, so you will require the mod to be updated if the game updates to continue playing the same save. Nothing of such is in the modpack.

  6. 5 hours ago, eggon said:

    I think what they meant is that while using mods the vanilla mechanic of allowing you to relearn a move for a pokemon on the go (after giving the relearner 3 heart scales for that single pokemon) does not work, so you would have to use the relearn anywhere mod which they might not want. I tested it and am pretty sure that the party options master mod causes this.

    Weird, the NPC is an RPGMaker event while the mod adds an option to the party menu. Both call the relearner, but the relearner itself is untouched in the Party_Command_MasterMod, and  the mod in no way affects the RPG Maker Event.

  7. 2 hours ago, Errorz said:

    It does not. It actually looks like the only thing that's working is the 100% capture rate, but I can't turn it off as the options menu part of it doesn't work. This is absolutely baffling, for the life of me, I can't figure out what I've done wrong lol


    I borrowed my girlfriend's phone to install it on there (I'm on PC) and even though it's the exact same install, it works fine on her phone (aside from any option menu mods still, for some reason), so it's clearly something wrong with my PC. I apologize for taking your time up with something that messed up on my end! I'll hopefully get it figured out eventually, I'd really like to play with this pack installed.

    No, the capture mod isn't an on and off thing, if you have the mod in the folder the mod is always on, so it is working as expected, the only extra thing in options is the one to restore/replace items.


    You can try having the game in another directory or another hard drive if you have 2, maybe it is a pc permission issues not being able to access the folder properly.

  8. 10 hours ago, Errorz said:

    I'm fairly certain I do, but I'm still having issues. I completely uninstalled and reinstalled the game, and now some mods are working like the capture rate modifier, but none of the option menu mods seem to work. It's still 100% possible I'm just an idiot and I've screwed something up though lol


    Are you sure it isn't working? There had been people thinkign it didn't work while it was working, they just didn't know.

    Check your party, does the Relearn option appear when selecting a mon?

  9. On 1/30/2024 at 5:28 PM, Errorz said:

    Having the same issue on my end, everything is installed correctly, the game is updated, but nothing is working. Tried with debug on and off, tried launching as administrator, tried on two different systems, no dice. It's like nothing is being recognized.

    If nothing is working you don't have them in the correct folder for certain.

  10. 3 hours ago, resonatelife said:

    I also dont have the item replace and restore option


    If you checked everything I told the previous user, I don't undertand why it doesn't apear for you. I have been checking and it always appears for me... I tested several ways but I can't replicate why it doesn't appear for as reported as it is always working for me.

  11. 4 hours ago, Nasimgreninja said:

    I get it.I think I messed up some things.....I talked to jean after almost completing the "forest restoration" quiest...and I was supposed to go to 2nd floor of the lab but it's locked and I can't complete the quest, that's why I need that cheat

    If it is a bug, report it, but maybe you are missing something to progress. Is a converted save or a new one?

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