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Post Comments posted by ACW264

  1. Will this make Angie harder or easier. Because it took me 3 weeks to beat her as she is now on insane difficulty.  And I know insane mode is leaving soon but I  Caught almost every mon to that point trying combos out. So the ice gym doesn't need anymore buff. I do like frostbite tho but almost never want to face Angie again.


  2. Well I tried intense mode for the first time this update because i wanted to see the difference for myself. i completed the play through 100%. and learned quite a bit about my battle style in the process. i can say i pulled every thing i know about pokemon and this game together and pushed through it. only two battle broke my spirit. (Angie, and geara/zetta battle) with the add challenge of completing the pokedex i found creative ways to win each gym, boss, evil team battle. 


    did i enjoy my time playing. for the most part but came to know that not everyone can handle this kind battling. so i understand getting rid of it for the time being. my personal mode i enjoy is the reborn mode anyways to enjoy the story which is what you are here giving us anyways. so getting rid of the intense mode will give you more time to work on the story because now you dont have to code all that extra stuff. 


    so i understand your choice and support it. with this being my favorite fan game. and ive played many pokemon fan games. Rejuvenation will always be first on my list.

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