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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by 12er

  1. Hi everybody! Really excited for version 13. 


    I have a quick question about gen 8 mons and I hope it hasn't already been asked. Some of the new mons have really weird evolution methods (Spinning around, getting crits, 49 damage from an attacking move). Do we know if rejuvenation will keep these evolutions methods unaltered? Or will they be made more traditional? If nothing has been said then I'm happy to wait and see it myself when v13 releases.


    BTW just wanted to thank everyone who worked on the game and with testing. I discovered rejuvenation recently through a friend and I gotta say it has completely restored my interest in the franchise. Hope ya'll are doing well and that development is going smoothly with the progress bars so close to being full. I know that the pandemic has made things hard for a lot of people so its nice to see that fangames like this are still going strong, regardless of how long the wait has been.



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