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Andy Aardvarks

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Posts posted by Andy Aardvarks

  1. 36 minutes ago, Bok_Choy777 said:

    I think the mystery house in Kugearan may either belong to Madame X, Indriad or Eden (Eden more likely imo) 


    The reason why I don't think is Clear and Kieran is because they have no specific reason to be there? Although the Keta statue I suppose could be related?


    In the  room, there are SEC robots, a whole stone statue of Kenneth, and statues of Anju and Nymiera/Hazuki/Madame X (can't really make out this one) which bashed in and missing faces (except for Kenneth's one). There is a map of post-storm-9 Aevium (although it doesn't say you know how many years after but it's assumed to be a map of the present time). There is also a diary that mentions the relic song which has been said by Indriad in a flashback to be a requirement to access and open up the Archetype (sorta like the ocarina of time I assume). 


    Now let's look at each of the possible characters I've mentioned.

    Eden: He was the one who was assigned to look at Past Aevium, but was later taken out by Crescent, according to Clear and Kieran. We do know that at this point in time Crescent possibly could have encountered Eden in the past, since Amberrette town and Kugearan are quite close to each other. Furthermore, according to Melia, at some point in time in the past, Crescent would suddenly change personality and then go rogue, after finding something out (according to Melia's diary in Amberrette). If this Crescent during this time were to find out about the mystery house and the contents, and take Eden out, then she'll likely know something weird is happening. 


    Indriad: Probably the least likely one, because well  having a mystery house above ground is kinda not the smartest thing to do haha

    The only real connection here is the fact only Anju and a statue of presumably Hazuki is seen here (since in Mariannette's house we see Anju and Hazuki's rusted weapons) and the relic song diary. However he should already know about the relic song's purpose so I don't see why he would still need a diary...

    However this doesn't explain the Keta statue as Indriad has had ZERO involvement with Aelita's backstory and WLL  etc.


    Madame X: Also not too likely, as she hasn't been the one  to directly interfere with the lives of Anju, Hazuki, Keta, etc. The relic song diary could be something they just discovered? One interesting thing to note is that this house had a different layout in V12, and when you read a diary that was supposed to be Madame X's, she grabs it before you can look at it and then vanishes. So it's possible this house could be her hideout? This could also explain the Weird Diary that explains on the process of creating Shadow Pokemon (as only Team Xen are involved in this). 


    Or this could be a base for Madame X, Clear, Kieran and Eden? This might make the most sense as Clear - Kenneth statue. Madame X - Weird diary. Kieran - SECs?


    What do you all think?




    I do find that house to be a bit of a mystery for sure, although if Eden was indeed tasked with looking at past Aevium (i say if because i cant remember specifically what they said about Eden) then i think its fairly safe to say it served as his base of operations. A quick correction on those statues. There is no Keta statue in that house. There is a statue of Vivian standing (you can go back and it’l say you recognize vivian as the statue, probably the case with the others too) and the other two statues being Anju and Nymiera. No Hazuki interestingly enough, although perhaps this is because Hazuki was not “dealt with” like the others. The real seller is the SEC robots like you mentioned. The only way for these to exist in this time would be through Kieran and Clear (imposing as the sec’s inventors, Xara and Jean of course). More evidence supporting these specific robots being inventions of Xara and Jean is in amethyst cave. You’ll find two more of these machines operating a registeel and regirock and when you approach them, they scan for users “X and J”.


    Some food for thought though, the Eden that was “destroyed” by Crescent, must’ve been an android much like Kieran and Clear. So one would gather that if Kieran and Clear had human counterparts in Xara and Jean, then surely there’d be someone potentially still alive in the likeness of “Eden” who’d have a different name. (Unless they like, bumped off the poor bastard already, but why mention and show a character if they arent going to be relevant at some point right)

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  2. Whxxhxjs okay so one last thing real quick. All the team xen grunts (heck maybe even the execs) are dead/have died and theyre just souls in suits or manufactured bodies to some extent, perhaps not too dissimilar to how adam ,saki and val are in new bodies. All the team xen grants get thanos snapped out of existence whenever they disobey their orders in the way of blinding golden light causing them to just… disintegrate? We see this with that guy who was trapped under carotos mountain. Scoot on over to amethyst cave and we find that one guy looking for his moms grave. After finding it he just.. vanishes. On this same peak, you can find a grave. The grave says “Eli”, dunno if its the same eli who has been taught transcendent levels english thanks to sharon but its an odd coincidence. Then scoot over to valor mountain where sharon is having a breakdown and wishes that team xen just “left her as she was” perhaps she just wanted to rest in peace?

    dunno about the execs though.. Geara could theoretically have died in the wispy tower incident? He does have a grave there but its not specified if his body was found. Dunno about madelis, her past is still unclear. Maman mentions her husband (neved) WAS a sailor yada yada. So like, maybe? Madelis does mention that she cant leave team xen, despite her clearly being conflicted with them atm.  Idk just an idea

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  3. More questions that im trying to tie together:


    Whats the deal with the garufans? From what can be inferred, we can assume they snuffed themselves out in their own hubris to usurp the confines of life itself. They give off massive Nier Replicant vibes. They experimented heavily on their own people with the archetype, causing all kinds off horrific deaths that are logged by the patients themselves, all still believing that Garufa Incorporated with eventually save their people. It’s important to note that all of these patients were volunteers, implying that they felt that they should participate perhaps in the hopes that it would save humanity from something, a disease or blight perhaps. Im more inclined to think that something more was going on underneath and the need to for someone fully compatible with the archetype came from the need for life energy that was steady depleting due to more tech that may have needed it


    on the topic of life energy: its clearly a thing. The whole reason Blacksteeple was keeping people was to max exodus them to that their life energy could be harvested for madame x’s purposes. Its mentioned that when people are born and when people die, a sort of “energy” is given off, notably (very notably) MUCH more energy is given in the process of someone dying. Oddly though, this energy seems to be different to the “soul” of someone. We see ghosts and souls like Anathea’s present fairly commonly and we know that when someone is turned to stone (which i presume to be the life energy entirely drained from someone) they are still somewhat sentient in a way, likely being their “soul” trapped within their stone body perhaps. And weirdly, the spring of preservation’s water can REVERSE the effects of this petrification. The spring was created by the garufans. Does the spring recognize a person’s “soul” as data and can restore their life-force as a result? If that were the case then the garufans theoretically wouldn’t have “died out” as i assume ti be the case. However eclysia itself was created as an ark and was pretty seperate from the rest of the garufan projects it seems.


    More on life energy. A lot of assumptions here but i believe what madame x is doing is essentially exactly what the garufans were doing to a degree. During the melia rout of v13, we see a great big underground city of garufa inc origins. (most if not all garufan structures seem to be underground btw, eclysia was buried underground until recently despite it being an ark, all of those garufan archives with all kinds of files were submerged deep underwater, the open street city found in the melia route, all of that stuff -should- be above ground you’d think, yet its all well below the surface somehow) Anyway, theres a particular area that is pretty strange in this city, specifically the “Den of souls” which seems to be a town of sorts with much, MUCH older looking infrastructure. Its also separated via an elevator from the rest of the city and its origins are pretty mysterious… uuuuuntil a meandering soul posseses ren’s robo-body and gives some (in my opinion) very interesting insight which sheds light in this towns purpose and what happened there. The errant soul, a young female, talks about how many people lived there, she had friends and specifically had a nasty conflict with a friend that resulted in her dying due to a great conflict that happened within the town. What was this conflict? I dont think it matters as i don’t think it was a real conflict at all, or rather, it was but it was a controlled conflict that was incited specifically for people to die. If this sounds familiar at all, it’s because its the exact same purpose as team xen’s blacksteeple imprisonment project.

    -what i’m saying is, the “Den of souls” is a human life energy farm-

    and it’s easy to see that it worked. Afterall, its called the den of souls. We see countless errant spirits haunting the place, mobilising to cling onto the lives of melia and co, so many bloody souls, an -unnatural- amount almost. That village was probably repeating this cycle of internal conflicts to kill its populace to that Garufa inc could harvest the life energy given off during death to power their ever evolving civilisation. One last thing to note about this place. Perhaps the underground garufan empire really was intentional, the “den of souls” happens to be ABOVE the giant neo metropolitan city as you need to take an elevator UP to get there, perhaps suggesting the den of souls mightve been on the surface. I mean, if you were a villager in a medieval town, would you expect your townsfolk to be part of a glorified battery farm with a giant monolith of science and technology just below you? Probably not.

    this would also make sense as to why its mentioned that no one was living on Aevium when the Mierans immigrated there after the nuclear meltdown. Perhaps there was people living there, they were just UNDERGROUND. It’s the perfect place to hide your extremely advanced architecture and technology from a much more comparatively primitive society afterall. All just thoughts again..


    oh yeah, one more thing on life energy. When Nim became petrified on Terajuma, why the heck didn’t storm-9 trigger? If she is the embodiment of storm 9 and the reincarnation of Nymiera, then the depletion of her energy should trigger it surely? eh, maybe not, if storm 9 happens as i theorise it to, its because the core itself lacks power to sustain itself, causing the heat-death of the planet. Perhaps when nim was petrified, there was still enough life energy supplying the core, i mean, its not like there had been any crazy weather phenomena yet so that might be it actually, answered my own question to my own theory while tying my question, epic.


    So uhh… MOONBASE?? Righto, moonbase, okay sure, oh what? its NOT being run by any of the pre-established factions or civilisations as specifically mentioned in-game? Huh uh okay sure cool cool… Yeah thus place is wild, it’s specifically not a Garufan operation. Its purpose seems pretty unclear and i don’t think i have any conclusive ideas as to what it is or who runs it. It *seems* to be humans perhaps? During that scene we play as science ninja lavender (badass btw) in a sci-fi horror/thriller grapple hook chase scene with a crazed risa raider (Clear) holding a giant keyblade buster sword, and theres thats silent scientist we battle several times so i assume it had humans on it?There’s some strange stuff to unpack here though. For starters, how in the hell is this even remotely related to Lavender?? Remember, all of the dream door realms are SPECIFICALLY in relation to a memory that has happened, that is relevant to the person depicted on the door. I don’t have any clue here, just food for thought. The base itself seems to smelt this new crimson quartz in the object we know of as “black shards” which is a very erratic and shifting form of matter that i’m sure will be very important to the plot im some what eventually but i dont really want to get into right know as i have no idea what purpose they serve. Only that the obelisk that the interceptor interacts with is made of it (this perhaps implying the core aswell but im not sure what the would mean specifically)


    Kieran and Clear are “parallel dimension counterparts of our worlds Xara bel and Jean” talk about a curveball. So now, not only doe we have time travel, we now have parallel dimensions, which means we now have…. PARALLEL DIMENSIONAL TIME TRAVEL TO PARALLEL DIMENSIONS as a plot point, jesus christ… this completely adds another dozen applicants to the “who is potentially madame x competition” and to make matters worse we have nothing else gleaned about this “parallel dimension” other than that the circumstances of it itself are different but it has all the same people and whatnot… hmmmmm… its annoying because we know literally nothing else.

    however! I will provide a mostly baseless idea as to what i think it means!


    alright so like here me out. From my previous extremely uneducated assessments i conclude that the garufans are essentially -subterranean reptilian humanoids farming surface-dwelling humans for their precious death life energy-. We also know they jabbed four massive pillars -deep- into the earth and made what they call the “core” which among other things probably, primarily records every single thing that happens in the world, which is how an interceptor can be delegated to -intercept- the determined, calculated data that the core records, allowing them to potentially change the future data based off of probability and the like. (Which actually sounds very similar to what the puppet master was doing with the ligosomnia engine, but to a lesser extent). ANYWAY, if we establish that *everything* about the world is being recorded, analysed, and acted upon. The. SURELY, its also being stored somewhere? But for what purpose? Look tldr here, i reckon the “parallel dimension” kieran and clear came from, might be a simulated world re-created directly from the information recorded by the core. Every single thing they do is based off of the pre-determined passage of “fate” which is essentially just the core going “calculator go boop, this is what will happen, forever” which is why they cannot predict what the interceptor will do nor what the interceptor will change. This idea is supported by the fact that Kieran “knows his fate” but mentions that certain things “didnt go as they were supposed to” in his world, everything thing proceeded as if there was no interceptor. 

    -okay so where did this dimension come from is it just a parallel dimension that exists and that there are infinitely more of them each with their own parallel dimension time travel and quirks like for example in one dimension Texen is the main character-

    That is a possibility! 
    the other possibility i’ve come to refers to the revelation that is uhh, revealed about amethyst grotto. Amethyst grotto is, to put it simply, a “return to monkey” button. It resets everything, this is definitely by way of the core btw. It records everything and therefore, if we assume as we have that all that information and calculation is stored somewhere, then its perhaps, somewhat reasonable that, with enough “DELICIOUS DEATH TRIGGERED LIFE ENERGY” you could perhaps have the core rewind everything back to a point. I imagine its kinda like you’re playing a youtube video, and you just simply.. drag the cursor back a few minutes? All the information is there, the core just needs power and the permissions to actualise it. Thats about all im willing to talk about the grotto for now (also its nymiera who knew about and hit the grotto itself aswell as requiring here permission via needing a “pure heart” further implying my theory that she has discord admin privileges to the world of pokemon rejuvenation)


    yeah this is the big question again. Tldr i think she is *someone* from the same parallel dimension that kieran and clear are from. A quick question though, or less a question and more just a statement, kieran and clear do not seem to be human, or atleast i think they outright say theyre machines, they were created, theyre bloody androids alright, we’re going with that. Its important i mention that because i dont think they actually came from another dimension, they were created by someone who did ( i think they mention that but im just covering my bases here). Okay so, if we went by that theory it might cause some problems, im sure ill figure it out that as im literally typing however. If madame x came from the “parallel” dimension. Is that dimension a) actually a parallel dimension made separately to the main world created using the information collected by the core,

    or b) is it just a roundabout way of saying its the world that’s already happened before someone reset everything in amethyst grotto. We know the reset has happened “atleast once before” so who the hell did it? 

    the problem comes with the B option that i proposed. You see, if this is the case then madame x HAS to be the one that reset the world. Otherwise she would have no true way of knowing all the events to come and the fate that has already happened, which she seems to be privvy to. The reason its a problem, is because from what i can asses. Its almost like crescent was the one that reset the world. She is quite young still and it’s perhaps this reset that caused her to become “host 1” of the current interceptor program that we see in zeight. Problem is i dont think crescent is madame x (id need to think about that more) and theres so many holes between resetting the world and reviving the main character via black box, theres just too much time in between, she’d be ancient and frankly, crescent’s origins are still pretty unknown other than her actual name likely being “Dahlia” as mentioned by Clear when Cresent confronts them where adam/saki/val/braixen land. I’m not sure if we’ve heard of a Dahlia in the story yet though. I seem to recall hearing of a “Dahlia Blakeory” though from someone else’s speculation once, take it as you will, im not sure on that one. One thing about Crescent though is that she was, at some point, part of the storm chasers, meaning, like Rhodea, she couldve spent x amount of time somewhere, then x amount of years sometime else entirely, that leaves a lot of holes that have yet to be filled and frankly, it questions whether crescent is even the one to reset the world at all, perhaps she was just whisked off to another time and given info relevant to saving the mc via spacea and tiempa. We also don’t know what happened at the end of the mc’s dream realm either. We see something shining in the chasm below, but theres just not enough info from crescent herself regarding what she’s done until this point other than the shocking revelation that she is in-fact NOT goth mommy gf, but instead, goth little sister childhood friend/transfer student gf??? Frankly, this was the most shocking plot point for me and my dreams of being stepped on have been fed to the wind..


    so in conclusion i think madame x could be literally 1 of a dozen people depending in the specifics of the “parallel dimension” we learn of. There is the topic of erin saying “LITERALLY THE MONOLOGUE OF WHAT IS BELIEVED TO BE MADAME X TALKING TO MARIA IN THE PROLOGUE OF THE GAME” before erin, allen and alice are whisked off into the unown dimension, buut that could be interpreted as something else entirely due to the kinda weird nature of the prologue itself, perhaps being a humgle jumble of memories or something, hard to say. Erin’s primary motive after v13 seems to be the stopping of Indriad’s horrors against humanity though, so unless killing indriad is the reason why Madame x wants to sacrifice literally everyone for *something*, then i guess erin could be madame x? But im not really convince on it tbh, despite the whole monologue thing (i think that could be a red herring to make people think erin is madame x potentially a bit tinfoil hatty i know)


    madame x’s motives seem to be something much more. She wants an obscenely large amount of life energy which  requires millions of deaths, likely to power something. Theres a scene where variya usurps the chain of command and kills her, well, commander alongside adrest due to the garufa inc commander using their archetype energy research ( meant for the salvation of humanity i presumed) for military purposes. What military purposes? Hell if i know, one idea is to end the war going on with all those ancient kingdoms (ie, griselda and iesial’s kingdoms, there were seven of them i think, unsure how they tie into this honestly). I doubt this though, those wars with the 7 kingdoms seemed to have happened AFTER garufa inc disappeared.. or more likely.. that great pokemon war with the 7 kingdoms was the same conflict that wiped out the people living in the “den of souls”.  Perhaps it was actually the garufans that instigated the great pokemon war for the sake of collecting more life energy, they were observing the whole thing from underground and thats exactly why they built their empire down there in the first place. err anyway, yeah i think madame x wants to use life energy or the archetype’s energy for the same militaristic reason the garufa inc commander wanted to use it for, perhaps to wipe out the threat of extra-dimensional aliens or something idfk


    i have more thoughts but likely no one will even read all of this word vomit so ill summarise the rest later jesus christ i need to stop typing..


    (apologies for random typos and grammar mistakes i’ve written this while quasi sleep deprived and i refuse to correct any of it)

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  4. A few thoughts/theories i want to share for the sake of speculation after finishing v13


    First one is for Nymiera. A big question mark before was, “where is she?”. We have some -vage clarity- regarding Anju more or less being possessed by a Vitus sleep paralysis demon and Hazuki seppuku’s herself as she “doesnt wish to live in a world without her” referencing Nymiera i’m sure. The plot strongly suggests that the Nymiera we know as the leader of the Protectors of Aevium, is dead. I strongly believe Nymiera is an avatar for the core - a garufan made construct that is used to channel the interceptor amongst other things. What supports this is a “Nymiera” being present as a sort of administrator in Zeight (the interceptor dream realm thingo) and nim -who is “the embodiment of storm-9 itself” being reborn from Nymiera. Nymiera (the human protector) is also capable of bestowing certain blessings that are pretty insane if you think about it and all support the idea of her essentially being the planet itself. Vivian could literally sense what was to happen to the world afterall, which , although seems like some mystical mumbo, its likely just calculations and mathematical probability by some garufan database (i firmly believe a common plot twist in this game will be the veil lifting on a “mystical magical world” to reveal a cold underbelly of machinery and data processing everything, ala: xenoblade, horizon zero dawn, etc etc) the “spring” that vivan bathed in is completely controlled by a sort of garufan underground facility afterall.

    with all that in mind you can paint a picture of what storm-9 is and what happened in tue Aevium of old. 

    The protectors go to fight Indriad under Hiyoshi city and defeated, likely because Indriad did -something- to nymiera, mortally wounding her perhaps, which triggers storm-9/the earth itself to go out of control (as by my theory she is storm 9 essentially) the storm needs a ton of power though, as its most likely a garufan esque machine database of sorts, so to power it, nihilego start getting pulled from god knows where to drain the “power” from living beings, the nihilego probably act as conduits to send life energy to wherever it needs to go to power it. This goes until sufficient power is restored to bring the storm/world back to a neutral state, unto which, Nim is born, a fresh, somewhat unstable physical avatar of the world itself. What i’m saying is the world is a machine thats probably monitored in somewhat by the goddamn  questionably affiliated moonbase we discover in the school of nightmares saga. All just speculation here of cours


    this could also suggest that indriad is some sort of built-in kill switch/ reset function for the world perhaps with Indriad himself being the physical avatar of that system. Death and life are cyclical and necessary for perpetually afterall.

    if you’ve played Horizon Zero Dawn,  i think Indriad is basically the same sort of thing as Hades is there, without being too spoilery. This would kind of make more sense as to why he just wants to destroy everything which is always a weird motive to figure out




    just a late edit to clear up storm-9 a bit. The storm itself is just a result of the core going bonkers due to it losing control perhaps due to a lack of power needed to keep it under control (the garufans literally drove massive pillars into the earth to make some sort of great mega contruct that literally has knowledge of all the events happening in the world, thats shits bound to go unstable if it loses power, its probably needed for the world to not fall apart at this point) we see the slowly declining state of the weather in past Aevium, hinting that the core needs more life energy or archetype energy or something (keep in mind the need for life energy being important, its likely the reason the garufans were so obsessed with controlling the archetype as they were probably exhausting their own people’s lives to power their technology which is very un-sustainable, thus, the need for the archetype) 

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  5. when you're just trying to deliver some pizza but get swept up in a rollercoaster plot of time-travelling, god-defying drama.



    Pokémon Rejuvenation V13 

    Starring: domino's guy  -*Pizza Guy*-


    coming soon™ to wherever you play your video games


    pizza guy belongs not to any specific company/corporation and any extremely 'drip-heavy' uniforms bearing resemblance to a company/corporation is purely coincidental. 


    yes, mother. I DID spend the majority of my day making a pizza guy OC for my upcoming playthrough of a Pokémon fangame


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