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Posts posted by Dado

  1. Charmander you can fish with a good rod (or super rod) in the lava at the volcano  on the island apophlyl academy is, you get meditite doing a sidequiet in apophlyl academy, ralts is in the corrupt pokeball and you can get it fixed in obsidia ward,  bisharp is on the routes near calcneon city, decidueye is much later game then your at right now, and flygon idk tbh

  2. 18 hours ago, EpicTub said:

    Could you tell me what the key for Auto-run is? I can't seem to get it on my end.


    Update: Okay so apparently my save game is bugged and on that specific file I have no auto-run key and cannot enable it which has now soft locked me. Was looking forward to playing V13 but honestly, it is way too buggy for my liking. 

    I fixed this bug - I returned to a cave (the one to sheridan village i forget name) and went to v12 with debug mode on, didnt move, assigned myself running shoes, saved, and went back to v13, i ran run now! I don't know if this is a safe way to do it, but I did not move a inch ingame the only thing I did was give myself running shoes, so hopefully that wont break anything


    Your missing running shoes thats the issue, use v12 debug move in amythst AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rbgrotto (DONT MOVE, do nothing but assign yourself running shoes cuz idk if this will break anything) I've attached debug mode mod and script file (rename your old one and keep it) so you can do it


  3. My save file does not allow me to run, the autorun button and hold down to run buttons do not work, for my other playthroughs they work though, I looked at http://www.saveeditonline.com/ to try modify my file so running is reanabled, but i have no clue what im doing.


    EDIT: I returned to a cave (the one to sheridan village i forget name) and went to v12 with debug mode on, didnt move, assigned myself running shoes, saved, and went back to v13, i ran run now! I don't know if this is a safe way to do it, but I did not move a inch ingame the only thing I did was give myself running shoes, so hopefully that wont break anything


    Can anyone help please?Game_2.rxdata

  4. 9 hours ago, CandyRock said:

    THERES A DEBUG FOR V12!? i seriously didn't know

    AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rbHere you go, put the amb file in your mods folder, and RENAME your old scripts file so you dont lose it, and then rename the scripts44 file I attached to this post to scripts, and debug will be on, you can find its options under options ingame, it works for v12 not v13 though, which sucks as i could use it to get back the soul labyrinth maze, as my save file dosen't have the ability for my character to RUN, so its impossible for me to complete the maze and im softlocked :(


    EDIT: I returned to a place in v13 that hadn't changed much since v12, loaded up in v12, and used debug to fix my issue (giving me running shoes, which I didn't have due to a bug, just be careful doing this, I did not move while loaded up in v12)


    • Thanks 1
  5. EDIT: I returned to a cave (the one to sheridan village i forget name) and went to v12 with debug mode on, didnt move, assigned myself running shoes, saved, and went back to v13, i ran run now! I don't know if this is a safe way to do it, but I did not move a inch ingame the only thing I did was give myself running shoes, so hopefully that wont break anything, if devs or anyone with know how reads this please let me know if that will be okay for my playthrough?


    Hi I cannot "run" ingame, the toggle run button (s) and the spacebar don't work to make me run, no buttons will let me run, I am at Indriads mansion in chapter 3 and I need to run to get past the dusknoir but I cannot run which means I cannot outrun it making it impossible to progress in the game, can someone get my run buttons working?


    I tried a bunch of different save files, including my first other save file of this playthrough, and I cannot run in any of them. I can run in other play throughs that are not this save file though.



    Heres the error message I get when I open the ingame menu and select "controls" if this helps:


    Exception: NoMethodError
    Message: undefined method `index' for {"Left Mouse"=>1, "Right Mouse"=>2, "Backspace"=>8, "Tab"=>9, "Clear"=>12, "Enter"=>13, "Shift"=>16, "Ctrl"=>17, "Alt"=>18, "Pause"=>19, "Caps Lock"=>20, "Esc"=>27, "Space"=>32, "Page Up"=>33, "Page Down"=>34, "End"=>35, "Home"=>36, "Left"=>37, "Up"=>38, "Right"=>39, "Down"=>40, "Select"=>41, "Print"=>42, "Execute"=>43, "Print Screen"=>44, "Insert"=>45, "Delete"=>46, "Help"=>47, "0"=>48, "1"=>49, "2"=>50, "3"=>51, "4"=>52, "5"=>53, "6"=>54, "7"=>55, "8"=>56, "9"=>57, "A"=>65, "B"=>66, "C"=>67, "D"=>68, "E"=>69, "F"=>70, "G"=>71, "H"=>72, "I"=>73, "J"=>74, "K"=>75, "L"=>76, "M"=>77, "N"=>78, "O"=>79, "P"=>80, "Q"=>81, "R"=>82, "S"=>83, "T"=>84, "U"=>85, "V"=>86, "W"=>87, "X"=>88, "Y"=>89, "Z"=>90, "Numpad 0"=>96, "Numpad 1"=>97, "Numpad 2"=>98, "Numpad 3"=>99, "Numpad 4"=>100, "Numpad 5"=>101, "Numpad 6"=>102, "Numpad 7"=>103, "Numpad 8"=>104, "Numpad 9"=>105, "Multiply"=>106, "Add"=>107, "Separator"=>108, "Subtract"=>109, "Decimal"=>110, "Divide"=>111, "F1"=>112, "F2"=>113, "F3"=>114, "F4"=>115, "F5"=>116, "F6"=>117, "F7"=>118, "F8"=>119, "F9"=>120, "F10"=>121, "F11"=>122, "F12"=>123, "Num Lock"=>144, "Scroll Lock"=>145, ";:"=>186, "+"=>187, ","=>188, "-"=>189, "."=>190, "/?"=>191, "`~"=>192, "{"=>219, "|"=>226, "}"=>221, "'\""=>222, "AX"=>225}:Hash
    PokemonControlsSet:189:in `getKeyName'
    PokemonControlsSet:220:in `keyName'
    PokemonControlsSet:271:in `drawItem'
    SpriteWindow:3435:in `block in refresh'
    SpriteWindow:3431:in `each'
    SpriteWindow:3431:in `refresh'
    SpriteWindow:3393:in `initialize'
    PokemonControlsSet:237:in `initialize'
    PokemonControlsSet:315:in `new'
    PokemonControlsSet:315:in `pbStartScene'



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