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Posts posted by theheadty

  1. Hello! So 300+ hours into my play through I noticed my character sprite has become stuck in the facing forward (sprite/animation) at all times. Moving backwards I am still facing forward. Moving left I am basically doing a side shuffle still looking forward. Moving right same thing. Anyways I put my save files in a backup folder and reinstalled the game including patches and still a no go. I think its locked into the save file. But then I went back a few saves (up to an hour+) and the animation is still glitched out. I checked the bugs thread but could not find anything mentioning this exact issue. Hopefully there is a simple way to clear the games cache or something else I missed (maybe a button I pressed that does this). In the end this is not the end of the world but I am 300+ hours in as I said and this is one of those annoying in your face mosquito type of thing. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable about this could shed some wisdom!?

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