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Posts posted by Stryker

  1. So I've running into this issue with only one trainer in reborn my whole play through and it happens to also be with Zoroark. I had been using my Zoroark as my lead for a while and had just gotten to Noel's gym fight. I found out that his Porygon-Z had psychic as a move and decided to exploit that by having my Zoroark disguised as my Infernape, as that strategy had been working up to this point, however, when I went to attack the Porygon-Z went for focus blast instead of psychic. I tested 10 battles each with my Infernape as the lead and Zoroark as the lead. All 10 with infernape I was hit with psychic and all 10 with Zoroark I was hit with focus blast. I don't know what it was but somehow Noel knew the difference between my Zoroark and Infernape. And after I eventually beat Noel I ended up using the same strategy against Fern's Roserade since it knew extrasensory and 3 times in a row it attempted to attack with extrasensory. So I have no clue if this is something specific to Noel or not but I never ran into that same problem after that. Also sorry for the long post I wanted to explain with as much detail as I could so it didn't seem like I was reporting an unlucky move choice by the AI.

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