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Posts posted by Reflow718

  1. How can I change a new skill I made to a different skill animation of my choosing?


    Example : I want to use the skill animation of Brutal Swing, but I want it to be Fire type, but if I change the element, so does the animation. 


    BRUTALSWING,Brutal Swing,000,60,DARK,Physical,100,20,0,08,0,abef,"The user swings their body around violently to inflict damage on everything in their vicinity."


    Any one can help me with this? 


    PS - I'm using reborn as base, and this is just for personal usage only. Thanks.

    AKA - Keep it simple I'm DAF

  2. On 10/15/2022 at 2:03 PM, Charon said:

    Literally just modifying the PBS files, copying segments from other moves as needed (or just the move outright). I'll just paste the changes/moves themselves since I don't really care who uses them, just change the number at the front for the new moves as needed for whatever game you're adding them to, and be sure to add them somewhere on the movelists of the pokemon you want them to have if you're not using debug to add them.


    I also added Meteor Blow to actually have a higher-powered physical fire move that doesn't have recoil, Black Fog purely to have a Special Dark-type attack with a BP above 80 that wasn't a signature move, and Liquid Kunai was just to add another Ninja Thing to Greninja's arsenal.


    ##Move Changes##

      Reveal hidden contents

    70,WILDCHARGE,Wild Charge,0FA,100,ELECTRIC,Physical,100,15,0,00,0,abef,"The user shrouds itself in electricity and smashes into its target. It damages the user."

    75,THUNDERFANG,Thunder Fang,009,70,ELECTRIC,Physical,95,15,100,00,0,abef,"The user bites with electrified fangs. It may make the target flinch or paralyze it."

    113,ARMTHRUST,Arm Thrust,0C0,25,FIGHTING,Physical,100,20,0,00,0,abef,"The user looses a flurry of open-palmed arm thrusts that hit two to five times in a row."

    114,TRIPLEKICK,Triple Kick,0BF,20,FIGHTING,Physical,90,10,0,00,0,abef,"A consecutive three-kick attack that becomes more powerful with each successive hit."

    142,FIREFANG,Fire Fang,00B,70,FIRE,Physical,95,15,100,00,0,abef,"The user bites with flaming fangs. It may also burn the target or make it flinch."

    178,SHADOWPUNCH,Shadow Punch,0A5,60,GHOST,Physical,0,20,0,00,0,abefj,"The user throws a punch from the shadows. The punch lands without fail."

    248,ICEFANG,Ice Fang,00E,70,ICE,Physical,95,15,10,00,0,abef,"The user bites with freezing fangs. It may flinch or freeze the target."

    280,MEGAPUNCH,Mega Punch,000,80,NORMAL,Physical,85,20,0,00,0,abefj,"The target is slugged by a punch thrown with muscle-packed power."

    281,RAZORWIND,Razor Wind,000,95,FLYING,Special,100,10,0,00,0,befh,"The target is battered with blades of razor-sharp wind. Critical hits land more easily."

    319,COMETPUNCH,Comet Punch,0C0,25,NORMAL,Physical,85,15,0,00,0,abefj,"The target is hit with a flurry of punches that strike two to five times in a row."

    435,POISONFANG,Poison Fang,006,70,POISON,Physical,100,15,50,00,0,abe,"The user bites the target with toxic fangs. It may also leave the target badly poisoned."

    436,POISONTAIL,Poison Tail,005,60,POISON,Physical,100,25,10,00,0,abefh,"The user attacks with its tail. It may poison the target. Critical hits land easier."

    601,POWERUPPUNCH,Power-Up Punch,01C,45,FIGHTING,Physical,100,30,100,00,0,abefjm,"Striking opponents makes the user's fists harder. Hitting a target raises the Atk."

    608,WATERSHURIKEN,Water Shuriken,0C0,20,WATER,Special,100,20,0,00,1,bef,"The target is hit with throwing stars two to five times. It always goes first."


    ##New Moves##

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    699,TYRANTFANG,Tyrant Fang,043,80,DRAGON,Physical,100,15,20,00,0,abe,"The user clamps down with its' fangs and savages the target. It may also lower the target's Defense stat."
    700,ALPHASCREECH,Alpha Screech,045,50,DRAGON,Special,100,20,100,04,0,befk,"The user lets loose a deafening scream, proclaiming their superiority to the world. Also lowers target's Sp. Atk"
    701,SHOCKINGSWIPE,Shocking Swipe,000,80,ELECTRIC,Physical,100,15,0,00,0,abefh,"The user slashes with lightning-infused claws. Critical hits land more easily. May Paralyze target."
    702,DIVEBOMB,Divebomb,000,90,FLYING,Physical,100,15,0,00,0,abef,"The user soars high into the air and dives into the opponent at massive speeds."
    703,METEORBLOW,Meteor Blow,00A,90,FIRE,Physical,95,10,30,00,0,beg,"The opponent is slammed with a limb with such titanic force the air itself catches fire. May leave the target with a burn."
    704,LIQUIDKUNAI,Liquid Kunai,000,80,WATER,Special,95,15,30,00,0,bef,"The user launches a blade of compressed water that explodes when it hits the enemy. This may also make the target flinch."
    705,BLACKFOG,Black Fog,000,100,DARK,Special,90,5,0,00,0,bef,"The user condenses its' malicious thoughts into physical form, bathing the enemy in a thick haze of fear and hatred."


     Thanks for this, I also got it working, and made some of my own.


    Now going for more advance is there a way to change the default animations of the "new moves" we created ?


    Like using animations that's already in the game

  3. On 9/29/2022 at 6:32 PM, Charon said:

    Hm, at least for the moment probably gonna stick with modifying Pokemon and modifying/adding moves, since those files look just a bit above my hobby-coding paygrade. Gonna take me quite a while to parse out what I want to do and how to code it, even with the wiki helping me figure things out.


    EDIT: Because it amuses me, here's the list so far of move modifications/new moves:


    Triple Kick: BP increased to 20
    Arm Thrust: BP increased to 25
    Comet Punch: BP increased to 25
    Power-up Punch: BP increased to 45
    Mega Punch: BP increased to 90
    Shadow Punch: BP increased to 75
    Wild Charge: BP increased to 100
    Razor Wind: Type changed to Flying, BP changed to 95, Accuracy changed to 100, now one-turn
    Poison Tail: Power increased to 60
    All Elemental Fangs (including Poison Fang): BP increased to 70
    Water Shuriken: BP increased to 20


    ##New Moves##


    Tyrant Fang: Basically just a Dragon-type version of Crunch (signature move of Tyrantrum). "The user clamps down with its’ fangs and savages the target. It may also lower the target's Defense stat."

    Alpha Screech: 75 BP Dragon-type, Special Sound move, lowers SpAtk. "The user lets loose a deafening scream, proclaiming their superiority to the world. Also lowers target's Sp. Atk"

    Divebomb: Flying, BP 90, acc 95, “The user soars high into the air and swoops down on the enemy at high speeds.”

    Shocking Swipe: 80 BP clawing move, basically electric shadow claw. "The user slashes with lightning-infused claws. Critical hits land more easily. May Paralyze target."


    Can you provide info on how these changes were done ?

  4. First off, awesome mod. Love dying 6 times against the first trainer.


    Currently, I'm almost up to Shade. I encountered a small bug, all my wild encounters are tag teamed. So, I unable to capture anymore. Also, my tag team partner is a guy named "Nekomaru" who's at level 85, instantly killing all the wild encounters. Anyway to fix this ?

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