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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by ComicalFire

  1. Quote

    Exception: NoMethodError
    Message: undefined method `screensize' for nil:NilClass
    PokemonSystem:33:in `pbSetUpSystem'
    idk:56:in `startup'
    Main:1:in `block in <main>'
    script yeetifier pro:307:in `eval'
    script yeetifier pro:307:in `block in <main>'
    script yeetifier pro:303:in `each'
    script yeetifier pro:303:in `each_with_index'
    script yeetifier pro:303:in `<main>'
    -e:in `eval'

    I don't know why the screensize for some reason is causing it problems or how it happened in the first place. But it won't open when I try launching it. Even after reinstalling the core and patches.

    • Fixed 1
  2. So, I decided to get back into Rejuvenation after awhile and decided to try and get all of the currently available TMs, but the one for Steel Wing for some reason I cannot find, normally it's in the cave after completing the "Clear the Way" sidequest, but it's not there, and I also don't have it in my bag, so I don't know how to get it anymore.

  3. (I don't know if this is the right place to post this)
    Hello to whoever found this and is reading it, I'm a beggining spriter looking for some work, if you need help in your own game or for some other reason I'm happy to help

    Here's an example of my work



    DM me on Rebornevo if you want some more info, more example sprites, or want to hire me.

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