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Posts posted by Fiwam

  1. Was E6 and prior episodes written by the same person?


    Mainly curious since the events in e6 seem to be barely foreshadowed before they happen, mainly the foxes being in darkroot (when we first visit Cellia) and Ava having to go there never being brought back up, and the future gym leaders not being talked during the groupchat thing (particularly Reeve tbh, since Ava has part contacts with him), that whole segment honestly seems disjointed from the main story


    Either way, props to whoever made the entire Waldenhall chase scene, the music, the atmosphere, the dialogue, everything was S-tier in that

  2. So here I was, playing Rejuvenation instead of doing my homework, I reached chapter 13, and something occured to me:


    Why is there a port next to Rejuv Co? And why is there a ship inside of the building? (I attached photos below)


    Initially my only explanation was it was just a quick way to give the place some flavor, but, since Storm-9 hit this place of the region the hardest, and the building still remained intact (we see it in chapter 14, and it is the place we will be raiding next chapter), perhaps this place was never attacked by the hoard of Nihilego because it had no humans left in it? I mean if all humans evacuated before the Nihilego come after them, the UB wouldn't touch the place which makes sense.


    Interestingly however, despite Nastasia being able to come back to this building as a Team Xen executive, she still asked Ren for the files, meaning that someone came before (before her becoming a high ranking member) and grabbed those documents, it's unlikely to be Katsu since that'll mean she'll have to delete data from all the PCs there before evacuating (which you'd imagine takes too long even if she planned an exacuation plan), or it is Madame X hiding stuff from her.


    But this also has to mean that Katsu was aware of Storm-9 eventually happening, wouldn't it? Which is somewhat of a random fact...



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  3. Anathea is the premier suspect imo, she used to have black hair until something related to the archetype happened to her/her kids, and her finding out about Vitus leaving her to marry another woman when she was in mad love with him might've droven her to burn the tower...


    Only issue is, by the time the wispy tower burned (way post calamity, and prob post Vitus throwing eri/alice/allen into the unown dimension), Anathea already had blond hair, so unless she time traveled to get there, this doesnt add up

  4. Yes, Crescent is the 1 who reverted Zetta back because we find her in the Nightmare Realm when we go there (after being knocked out by Clear's Beheeyem) and that's the only way Puppet Master could've gotten a hold on Zetta.


    The Crescent that "assisted" Sharon also has to be her since she gets mad if you choose to respond with "...", something Clear probably can't imitate about her.


    So the only time Clear impersonates her is when she saves Nim and tries to brainwash her.

  5. The main reason Ren was introduced to Madame X is because he had shown signs of the prophecy (im not sure what the direct quote is, but this cutscenes happens shortly after the blacksteeple arc), so he definitely is in either of the 2 camps... its also worth mentioning what his sister said back in sashila, about 1 of them fighting for a good world, and the other fighting for the opposite, meaning 1 of them is the 4th light prophecy member, and the other is dark


    i'd say ren is the 4th light prophecy member, sure, he is born of man, but his body sort of disqualifies him? also, he does fight for a loved one (his father he always looked up to), and it just makes sense that he'd join aelita/melia/us in the final showdown

  6. Hi, so I played my game normally, after the train event to GDC, I did the darclight manor events, however, I forgot to push the boulder clefairy created.


    Now  a few weeks later, I finish the story, and come back with narcissa to fight rotom, i cannot enter the garden, also, the strength boulder i forgot to push is no longer there.


    There's no way to redo the clefairy event, but is there any way to debug a strength boulder and fix this issue? dont wanna get screwed out of a stamp and catching a rotom 

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