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Posts posted by Amary

  1. My game has been freezing on and off as I've been playing with Wine. This is not an uncommon problem and it hasn't been much of an issue since I regularly save whenever possible. However, when challenging Corey's gym (the third one), all my Pokemon were knocked out. And then my game froze. 


    Every time I try to reload my save file, it plays the animation for starting a new battle but I have no Pokemon. Which doesn't make sense. Thus, the game crashes. 


    I'm not sure how to insert screenshots into this so I've copied word-to-word of the text box that comes after the game crashes:




    Script 'Interpreter' line 276: RuntimeError occured


    Script error within event 2, map 370 (Beryl Gym):

    Exception: Runtime Error

    Message: Section069:4313:in

    'pbStartBattleCore'Player has no unfainted Pokemon

    ***Full script:

    'pbTrainerBattle(PBTrainers::Corey,"Corey",_I("Pah. Injury to insult, is it?"))

    Interpreter:243:in 'pbExecuteScript'

    PokeBattle_Battle:4157:in 'pbStart Battle'

    PokemonTrainers:469:in 'pbTrainerBattle'





    (eval):1:in 'pbExecuteScript'

    Interpreter:799:in 'eval'

    Interpreter:243:in 'pbExecuteScript'




    So. I have no idea what any of that means except "Player has no unfainted Pokemon" – which is just plain weird. I don't get why I don't go to the Pokemon centre as usual but coding has never been one of my strengths. 


    What I really want to know is: one, is it possible to retrieve my last save file before all of this and two, if I can, how can I do so? 


    Because I would really, really like not having to repeat 14 hours of game play again. 


    Any help would be very much appreciated! 




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