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Posts posted by Houndoom314

  1. I downloaded the v13 folder, extracted it, and when I loaded the game up to start the game an error message popped up, can someone please help with this?(I put a screenshot of the error message below)


  2. about a month ago my parents completely restarted my computer, they had saved my save files to the C:drive and when the restart was done, I tried to get back into my save files, and it wanted me to restart the game, I do not know what to do to get back into my save file. is there a way to do so? the screenshot of my save files are down below, again, is there a way to fix this? I have tried changing the name of one of my save files, by the way.


  3. after I completely restarted my computer, I was unable to load my last save file, the save file is in my reborn file, and yet it won't load, is there a way to fix it so I can play my save files? I am using the 1.18 version by the way

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