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Posts posted by Blurrot

  1. 15 hours ago, Arkadius said:

    I took a look at your savefile. You are not stuck. Here's what you should do:

    - Go back to the starting room, so from where you are when loading up the game, go to the right room (room A)

    - Lower the water in room A. Then go to the room on the right side of it. (room B)

    - In the new room, lower the water again. Then, take the exit in the lower left corner of the room. 

    You will then come into the central turbine room where you will meet up with Titania



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    Okk thank you so much!!!I couldn't work out if it was me or the game, but turn out I'm just an idiot hahaha

  2. Hello! I'm stuck in the water treatment centre; I got the Beryl grid key and did the Electrode thing, but can't progress because titania wont move and the water level is staying up without any way to turn it down. Thank you!

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