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Smeefenator 2.0

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Posts posted by Smeefenator 2.0

  1. Well I tried downloading the patch. Then I realized I was stuck on a platform and couldn't switch to another character to hit another blue button to make the bridge usable again. SOOOOOoo.... I couldn't exit the room... But now I just thought to myself "Hey! why not just reload a previous save that's NOT in the pyramid?" And that save is before the underground sanctuary fight in the past... Eh, it's good enough.

  2. Wait some of y'all used Taunt against Lorna? I just spammed calm mind on a sylveon and since it was a psychic terrain it was sharply raised. Had a decidueye to take care of some of the "problems". Oh I also forgot to mention the only reason I called it psychic terrain is because priority just fails. I found this out the hard way with one of my main sweepers, Incineroar, since it had Fake-Out. and maybe a little bit of unable-to-use-sucker-punch-against-an-attacking-psychic-type-with-my-decidueye.

  3. I was trying to make it to the Skyview but when I walked to an event area it said I should wait until everyone is there. Then when I went to switch between characters the game didn't bring up a prompt of who to switch to. Pressing A basically does nothing now. I added my save file, to see if anyone can help.


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