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Posts posted by Darkrai8674

  1. Sadly I never got the cacnea egg from the onyx ward girl and cacturne is one of my favorite Pokemon. Would anybody happen to have a spare one to trade me? My ID is Darkrai8674

  2. I'm having the same problem, apparently it's bugged and supposed to be in the room with the 3 workers although I've looked through some other posts related to this and a patch came out I think. I can't seem to find the patch though >.<

  3. I kept trying on my laptop a few more times to see if it would work and eventually it did work so I didn't end up having to do it on a different computer, thanks for the insight on this whole process, how it works, and what caused it. It was very helpful! 🙂

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  4. Okay cool, thanks so much for the help! I'm going to do that tomorrow morning as it's about 2am for me now but I feel much better about the whole problem than I did before, I thought my save may have gotten corrupted or something.

  5. Thanks! Do you think it would help if I transferred the game and all data and stuff to a better computer? My brother built his own computer and it's much better than my laptop. But again, thanks so much for the help!

  6. I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this, apologies in advance if it's not. After the battle with Adam Might bladestar took over the large computer for the tournament in Grand dream city although it paused there and the screen went black and after about 10 seconds or so it said the script was hanging and has said that since. I haven't run anything other than rejuvenation such as skype, google, windows or anything while playing it and restarted my computer yet it's still not working, my internet is good too. Does anyone have an idea on how to fix this? It is a slower computer but it's still run rejuvenation perfectly fine for the entire time I've played it so far, thanks. 🙂

    edit: actually I'm not even sure if this is the rejuvenation forums I'm so confused I'm so sorry if it's not, I don't think it is but I can't find where to delete my post because I'm pretty sure it isn't...

  7. Last night I was playing rejuvenation, I'm at the part where you have to beat crawli for magma drift but he's in his secret base. I found his dad dancing and won and everything and I remember him saying something about valor shore I think but I was tired and now I can't seem to find it. There is this one tiny island thing with a weird square block on the ground but I don't know if that's the base, I've tried hitting a towards it and on it but it did nothing. 

    Edit: wow I was completely wrong, I found it by just talking to everyone on the island and eventually stumbled upon the captain.

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