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Seth Ruse

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Posts posted by Seth Ruse

  1. My first ever save file of the game that was super bootleg when i was too stubborn to catch more pokemon than the ones I liked (roserade and salamence).


    Main team strategy: Tspikes Bulky Offense + a lot of protect stalling between pert and aegis








    Swampert had random ev's and iv's, so did arcanine, I actually did have to at some point during the water gym get rid of my roserades EV's and invest her specifically to tank certain attacks so she could 6-0 the water gym because i struggled alot with that (you can see how slow my team is in general LOL)



    Early: Mudkip best starter Budew line best pokemon line ever created not taking questions

    Early-mid: Swampert, Arcanine just because of intimidate and being a bulky fire, fire/water/grass core was OP at this stage of the game

    Mid game: Used to have a flygon and an alakazam that was ESSENTIAL to my team for speed tiers and it learned good moves leveling up (had a bronzong too that just literlaly just used as a pivot and for confuse / hypnosis hacks)

    Mid-Late: Swampert, Arcanine intimidate is too broken

    Late: Excadrill, Aegislash, Mega-Salamence, Surprisingly Roserade..

    Mence was really bad until it received its mega and it became the hard carry through the rest of the game, literally 6-0'd most of the e4 + champion. Every fight in the game can be trivialized by Aegislash kings shield shenanigans + being able to live every hit. When I first obtained excadrill it was SUPER GOOD until the e4 where everything was just faster and stronger. Roserade was ESSENTIAL for a lot of fights I had problems with, especially the final fight where she HARD CARRIED.


    Honorable mention: Had a volcarona that I put over arcanine and it CLEANED UP alot of late game fights I would have normally struggled with. I ended up putting arcanine back in over volc because after I obtained Mence's mega I felt I just needed a bulkier fire type as a pivot so Mega-Mence could shine more and it gave good intimidate/wil-o-wisp support my team desperately wanted.


    My first playthrough of this game was a really rough one I'd like to say because at the very start I didn't know what to expect from the game and wasn't accustomed to the "meta" of the game of switching your team up, after doing a few runs in rejuvenation before coming back to this game I definitely learned better but this save file was just too far in I had to complete it with the 6 boys LOL


    Bashed my head against every boss with these 6 until I found the strat that won, so you know I had a ROUGH one but it made me really happy when I was able to do the elite 4 with them.


    Love this game and the people who made it, I'm definitely going to do a second playthrough on hard mode now that all these cool passwords are in (last i played there weren't any) and the overall QOL of the game has improved with the update (probably the main reason I hated the idea of getting new team members was grinding without xp candies LOL) and just so I can experience the full, uninterrupted story <3


  2. Little late to the party but wanted to give my thoughts on this even if jan already made a post


    I've read the OP and some posts within the thread and I come more in agreeance with the thought of intense is supposed to be a challenge and not something you're supposed to be able to easily run through without changing your team at all as if you're one monning pearl version with ur infernape using x items (also considering theres only so many fights per versions that are LITERALLY years in the making its fair that you have to take some time to deal with some of them). I think intense is a perfect way to experience the game because you go through so many hours of side quests to obtain better pokemon just for them to sit in your PC on normal. But on intense you've bashed your head into a fight for 20-30some minutes and come to the realization that maybe its beatable with good rng but intense mode in itself makes relying on rng alot harder which is one of my main gripes with it tbh, but then you go back to your box and think maybe I can use (X) pokemon over (X) and that will help me fill in this gap in my team I have against this boss, because lets be honest if you're making a well balanced team and have already played rejuv or reborn before you should not be having unbelievably frustrating issues where you're having to swap out half your mons until maybe Mt. Valor


    One example the OP pointed out in a sub post is the wailord boss in the goomy sidequest, sure the wailord seems daunting until you realize he cannot switch out so send out fodder mons with attack reducing moves and then send out reuniclus or milotic or any bulky mon with recovery thats not weak to ice and they easily 1v1 the wailord(bar getting crit!), so yes the fight makes you think and have to workaround its mechanics a little but I do not see this as problematic at all for a game mode meant to challenge your skill in the game. To me theres a much more problematic boss in that sidequest which is against Big Betty, to my current experience in order to win this fight Big Betty has to miss Wisp 1-2 times in order for you to win, sounds like its not that much of a challenge? and it isn't. Except Accuracy for opponents is just buffed for some reason on intense mode so you're just sitting infront of big betty for 30 minutes waiting for her to miss a fucking wilo wisp thats 95% accurate. Theres another big offender of this in my experience aswell which is fighting Morty in the Virtual Gyms sidequest picking fire starter, Both of these fights you can't change your team at all so you're just sitting infront of the screen pulling a slot machine damn near just waiting for it to hit jackpot. Neither of these fights were designed to challenge the players intelligence, teambuilding or anything, they were designed to waste your time which doesn't feel accomplishing when you're finally finished, just feel relieved.


    You might think maybe they should avoid giving you preset teams? Absolutely not because there are phenomenally good fights in this v13 alone that are great. Both Erins and Melias mission teams had GREAT boss fights at the end, and as the post described that "it doesnt feel like you're putting together a puzzle" the bosses in those two arcs really did feel like that, especially Erins, trying different leads, limit testing your mons, testing the see what the AI does in what scenarios, then finally finding the perfect two leads (A-Ampharos is a beast). At the time of doing Erins fight I legit thought it was impossible in my first 5 attempts and it gradually became more and more clear what the win condition was until I won, and thats why people love intense mode, that consistent feeling in boss fights of being faced with an obstacle you need to strategize to overcome and once you overcome that obstacle guess what theres a new one that sweeps your team because you thought the last one was the biggest problem, and then you figure out how to overcome that obstacle with your resources and repeat repeat repeat repeat until you've finally won, truly the best feeling.


    Now on the other hand, I agree with the field effects point. I disagree with the point that field effects somehow take away from the experience, because I think field effects are what make these games so interesting and pokemon-like as they make you think much of the anime (pikachu using the fire alarms to cover the onix with water to conduct electricity onto him). However I will agree with you that sometimes it feels a little TOO unfair how much the field effect limits you and you cannot change it, my goal would be to just have more field effects interact and change with eachother (HAUNTED AND BLESSED FIELDS ONLY INTERACTING WITH EACHOTHER) having a fight where the field effect is constantly changing and you're constantly having to adapt each turn to what the field will probably be next turn or two turns from now and adjusting your strategy accordingly just sounds like a cool idea and I don't see why they wouldn't want that over just "here you play on inverse field have fun".


    Another point I wana say something on is early game EV training, at the very least in intense mode, the hospital of hope lady should just be a permanent thing you get at the start of the game lol, I know its an RPG and all, but we already have the speedup button and EV training room locked behind AP early on, just let us spend our poke dollars to save an hour off our life running around trying to find zigzagoon so my marshtomp outspeeds whatever it is I'm trying to outspeed, those pokedollars arent going to potions anyway due to item restrict I don't think anyone would complain since pokedollars are actually kindof scarce early game so its not like you'd just be able to fill ur pc with a box of fully ev'd and iv'd mons, kindof balances it out and adds some decision making factor to it on which mon needs the evs and ivs more and which stats do I even need to be fully invested in for the upcoming fights.


    Main takeaways: AI having accuracy boost is probably the dumbest and most frustrating thing about intense mode and you cannot convince me otherwise, I would like to see field effects interact with eachother more, EV/IV injector for pokedollar lady needs to be in the game atleast earlier if not at the start of intense













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  3. On 12/11/2019 at 11:16 AM, lolokxd said:

    To start off who I think she might be? Not exactly the exact person she is but the identity and that is...

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    Xenadin's daughter. 

    Why though? 

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    For one, when/if you beat her in Blacksteeple she says "I'm sorry Father". This implies that her father was important to her in one way or another and in Chapter 13, Erin and Melia learn about the old victims of the Miera Region shutdown.


    And who do we learn/know about because of that? Freya, the presumable second time traveller alongside Kieran and Xenadin, the original Team Xen Leader. 


    We don't know if Xenadin had any children but isn't it weird that there's two Team Xen's in the Rejuv timeline? Wouldn't it also be weird if Madame X had named her organization Xen without knowledge of the old Team Xen? This is the most important part of the theory that makes everything line up with each other. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed my theory ideas!


    I think madamex might be tied to the player character moreso, I'm not saying madamex is the player that would be a bit out there and wouldn't make much sense in the story so far, but a sibling to the player I think isn't impossible with the growing mystery and intrigue surrounding the player and their potential family where we've gotten two I think? monologues and the complete shutdown after seeing (I'm assuming their old home) in the past near hiyoshi city and again after visiting zone zero we see seemingly what could be family or maybe just close friends of the player considering they were in that home that the player is resonating so much with?


    Also I would like to point out a little more of what you said of defeating madamex at blacksteeple castle, currently in v12 I'm not sure if it was also in previous versions but if you manage to defeat her, you get different text other than her defeated text of "father forgive me", she goes on and says some... rather odd things for sure, "It seems you actually do have some ounce of power, that in of itself is shocking to me, I can't say I'm not pleased with this outcome. It was my fault for underestimating you both." Now why would she say that? "I can't say I'm not pleased with this outcome"? I can't think of a single reason having not knowing everything of what there is to know so far, but this line just seems weird to me if madamex wasn't already familiar with the player already in some type of way. She then proceeds to instead of taking out her sword as you're running to push you off the castle, she says this, "I was going to save this for a later date, but it looks like you've proven your worth. You can go ahead and run but I'll catch you." and seemingly shoots a blue beam out at the player and knocks them and Aleita off the castle, and then the normal events transpire other than 2 boxes of altered dialogue of just her saying she underestimated us again.


    What that beam was or why she could only use it once is a mystery to me, this event is a mystery to me and madamex is a mystery to me still.

  4. Back in july the hard drive on my computer just randomly broke and I still to this day do not know why, at that point I had done most of the sidequests up to v11 on a normal difficulty save file and completed v11 on a intense difficulty save file (the one I'm most upset about) and both had near 100h or over of play time on them from breeding for difficult fights my normal team could not handle, ev training and item hunting. So you can just imagine how I just felt very discouraged to just start over immediately since all of that took a very long time and it was just funny to me how it happened weeks before v12 came out, just my luck I thought. but now after having played Sword I've and reminiscing about how invested I was into rejuv I want to know if someone has a save file right after the rock gym that I could use to play again since I just have to continue the story.

  5. Just now, Tomek said:

    How did you get Bisharp? I had to use Bounce rapidash to change the field to give myself some advantage

    Mystery egg luck, honestly I couldn't possibly have won without it, after I got pawn I waited for ditto and started fishing for good ivs, the entire battle rested on a damage range on the first eq from krookadile and speed tieing with minior 😹zettageara.thumb.png.32fe8add519866a96d6444cf56a448f6.png
    this is the team I used btw 

  6. 5 minutes ago, ZappoNinja said:

    Zetta and Geara are hands down the hardest battle of Intense mode. Maria is easy with a Solrock and then the next hardest battle for me after Zetta/Geara battle probably was... Keta I think.

    I think the battle is only that hard because Melia's team is literally useless, all her mons get ohko'd or 2hko'd and don't do much back, I honestly think the battle would've been easier for me if I just had 2 of my own mons out vs 12, it ended with me rushing zetta down and having my bisharp (whos perfectly iv'd/eve'd) 1v5 the rest of gearens team with the little revives I had

  7. So awaiting for the newest version I decided to replay through V11 on intense, I've reached the double battle VS zetta/gearen of valor and it seems to me that its almost a tie between maria gym battle, maybe ren2, and Zetta/gearen double battle just due to the amount of things that had to happen in order for the teams I was bringing to win


    I'm curious of other peoples experience if anyone has replayed v11 on intense.

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