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Posts posted by logintomylife

  1. She was supposed to give you one Occa berry at the start so you can grow more from it. You can rewrite your save file to the point -before- you used the Occa berries. If you didn't already figure this thing out.

  2. 36 minutes ago, Reginald Sanshire said:

    So, it's been confirmed multiple times that G-Max forms are going to be made into custom mega evolutions, and I feel a small need to ask just one question about this.


    Is that going to include Charizard, or is he going to be left out because of his "mega privilege"?

    Also has been already answered. Yes... Sadly.

  3. Pokemon Forgotten Forlorn Forfeit (FFF)

    So? Where do I begin... Hello there, girls and boys of all ages. My name is Logintomylife, or Login for short, and I come to herald the coming of a new age! Age with Pokemon FFF in it! (Questionable? Maybe? For a very short time? We will see?)

    I am nervous, nervous as a person posting his creation on an internet can be! But, well, "fak" nervousness! I hate her, stupid, distant cousin of anxiety and depression. I am here to show you what I've been working on, Pokemon FFF (Such a weird nameeee, but too lazy to change it by now as I am content with it) is a project I would wish to continue/complete (if there would be demand for it?) and possibly maybe even expand on to.

    But lets not get distracted by something that is yet not set in stone, I think all of you who got this far reading this annoying wall of text have lot of questions and didn't come here to read my monologues, we all know you came here out of curiosity, or boredom.

    So... Yeah...


    Lets start with the introduction of the series!


    What's the hook?

     Advanced issues found

    Pokemon FFF takes place in a region called Gloria, you start the story as an established normal type gym leader Lucille from Meadling Town.

    Yet, peaceful days of battling challengers and doing your daily duties come to a sudden halt when all you ever knew or believed was true, is swept beneath you like a dusty rug and taken away.

    Henceforth you lose everything, in every possible meaning of that word, and are set onto a chess-board called "the world" as a pawn, grudgingly used by the antagonist and his goons.


    Your life is forgotten, forlorn, and not yours to forfeit.


     Advanced issues found

    Explore the region of Gloria and its story, not by the eyes of a proper protagonist, but as a rookie of an evil(?) organisation (you know what we are talking about).

    Meaning this won't be the usual receive-your-pokemon-and-set-to-conquer-the-league story.

    Discover the history of the region and your role in it.



    Technical Stuff:

    Gens? What's that? It's 6 for now, though...

    6 Gym Leaders (5?)

    Music made by GlitchxCity and ton of others.

    Art used from Pokemon Essentials, re-sprites, but some acquisitions made from other artists (credited later)


    Just a piece of information for you lot interested in trying this thing out and giving me a very valued feedback, I am newcomer to this content-creator stuff, the files are a mess (not even talking about PBS, lol) I am not an artist, sprites are not my forte, though I gave a try to pokemon-music making and I... Sort of... Like it? Eh...

    Anyway, I suck at making Topics, even more so complex forum posts.

    Though, it doesn't end here. As I don't want to look like a lazy bum here only for exposure, I already did something for you guys to jump into and give a try.

    I am talking about a "Prologue"! (I called it an Epilogue for a very long time 'cos I confused the terms. pls kill me)

    This thing shows you a little of "why" and "how" the story is set in the antagonist spectrum, as well lets you discover and read on to a bit of Gloria's history, geography and trivia.


    Download Link

    Pokemon FFF - Prologue

    (Only Google Disk for now)






     Advanced issues found

    Oh gosh, I suck at these, as I have absolutely no clue what the heck did I use in my freaking game, wonderful, isn't it?

    Anyway, I will give here what I had the capacity to figure out, if I miss anything, please tell me.

    If someone is unhappy with me using his stuff, just write to me and it will be promptly replaced 😄



    Reborn Animation Team:








    Maruno & The Pokemon Essentials Team







    Viperio (Thanks a lot mate)

    Me (Lol)








    (I suck at these~)


    Welp, I hope this is everything a first post for a game should have.

    If I forgot anything, feel free to tell me, I value feedback and criticism above praise a lot, though, praise is also fine! Though... Yeah... Criticism guys, don't go easy on me! Nitpick about anything! Tell me what is wrong, what isn't, tell me I am a bad boy and span-... Ehm...

    Thanks everyone for making it this far into the post, hope you enjoy~

    • Upvote 3
  4. For me it was Torchic, if you don't get hints from people that already did it and figured it out, it's really hard to join the fact that the basement in Agate city has a pattern on the ground that unlocks secret room in Charlotte's gym xD


    Otherwise I do agree with ya on the others, and I would add Beldum with the Tauros glitch, which is splendidly done, and you wouldn't figure it out if someone haven't done it already 

    • Hmm 1
  5. Recommend leveling them up to 20, if you are too lazy just 18 is enuff, keep in mind that there is difference between SPA moves and ATK moves, Meowstick and Braixen are SPA attackers, Braixen gets a cool move on lvl 18 (Psybeam) definitely get it. I often clear first gyms with 3-4 pokemons so it shouldnt be hard, stock up on Super Potions if you can. If your pokemons will be too weak to beat her even on lvl 20 you can catch Trubbish literally in that alley I recommended for leveling, they learn Toxic Spikes pretty early, which can give toxic to mons that switch in, then you just stall and watch them slowly die... Hope this helps! 

  6. 21 minutes ago, Seel The Deal said:

    Step 1: evolve Poochyena

    Step 2: ???

    Step 3: Profit


    You can also level up your Goldeen, since it forces stuff to stop using Charge Beam which is the biggest threat in this gym.


    Roselia will absolutely destroy this gym if you grind out Budew's happiness; you can get a rose incense from a lady north of the Pokemon Center, then bring it to the far north of the area (just past the training spot above) and you should be able to grab the Budew on the upper ledge (unless it's raining, then it won't appear at all). Roserade is also just an awesome 'mon period so it's not a bad investment in general (though there's a case to wait a few gyms so you can breed one with Extrasensory and/or Spikes).

    Actually Budew was removed from early, so you can't get him anymore.

  7. Charlotte is being Sarcastic in the bit. The Belrose sisters would indeed do the right thing for the greater good, even keeping the Ruby Ring against their own family. So pick your own choice and see how it plays off, the outcomes are the same.

    • Thanks 1
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