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Posts posted by imjusthereforthehelp

  1. Can someone tell me how to upload my save file to the forums? Im currently stuck in pokemon rejuvenation where all I get is a black screen after entering valor mountain and I was hoping that if I uploaded my save file somebody would fix this. Thank you for reading!


  2. Hey ladies and gents. In Pokemon Rejuvenation, I am absolutely stuck. I'm currently on the quest to find Melia in Valor Mountain. I just reached the part where I touched the crystal that reenergizes the cave. Venam told me to go look around and see if I can find a way to get to the other side. I exited Valor Mountain, and when I re-entered I got stuck because the location transitions to Jenner's Lab, but there's no cutscene. Only a black screen is there. Please help!


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