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Posts posted by Ninpen

  1. that feel when you lose bo5 promo series to gold

    that feel when you win the 2 games after that in an angry draven rage to requalify

    that feel when you don't want to play the new bo5 series 'cuz what happened in the first

  2. butbutbutshe'snotthathardtocounterthingswithaoedamage,silence,orstunkindawreckherface




    but, apparently there are nerfs for her incoming, which i guess is whatever n' stuffs

  3. Nope. It turns out that without an incentive for participation and with everyone in different timezones, it's very difficult to coordinate a thing.

    Plus, at the time of writing (almost a year ago, wtf) the teams were perceived (still probably are) as incredibly imbalanced, favoring Allan's team.


  4. So, if anyone here actually most likely not plays ranked, what are your thoughts on the new elo system? Because I've heard a very mixed discussion on it, and I only know basic facts such as the tiering and your actual elo now being hidden.

    I can try to shed some light on this :\

    The actual material of ranked hasn't changed much at all: it's still infuriating and whatever, classic complaints.

    The real change is that the system now resists your skill change, up or down. Before, you used to be able to jump up and down what are now tiers in maybe 3 games or less, which used to be problematic if you were running hot or cold streaks, or just based on luck. This new change creates maybe 5 games between 0-100 in a tier, and about 3 games additionally at the extremes to get promoted/demoted. This allows for more consistency.

    To sum, I like the changes, because they're made to make ranked far more accessible: one lost game doesn't do nearly as much to your rating as it used to.

  5. I personally like Hydra on stuff with burst, especially Zed because, fun fact, Hydra's active adds to his ult damage, which is kind of stupid.

    E-Q-R-Crescent-Martial Cadence auto with J4 is one of the most stupidly well-scaling combos in the game.

    Lee Sin I've only tried once or twice with it, but it gives him easy sustain and waveclear, and adds to his aoe, which is nice.

    And Fiora is Fiora.

    AD Assassin/Burst Champions, of which there are a decent number, all tend to benefit from what it does for you. The only one I guess it wouldn't be that good on is Kha'zix, but that's just my opinion (his stuff scales too well with AD to make anything but Bloodthirster in that department a good choice)

    By the by, I completely disagree on your (Chrona's) opinion to not build Bloodthirster on bruisers. Yes, I'll give you that it does negligible things for stuff like Shen and Malphite, who don't scale particularly well with AD, but AD top champions without innate sustain (or even with) all benefit from Bloodthirster and its innate insane powerspike that makes bruisers incredibly relevant in teamfights.



  6. J4 with Ravenous Hydra is really good.

    Zed with Ravenous Hydra is really good.

    Lee Sin with Ravenous Hydra is really good.

    Fiora with Ravenous Hydra is really good.


    Ravenous Hydra is really good.

    Holy hell.

  7. okay you will all be forced to listen to this

    i just had a ranked game that was probably the best i've ever had, because it was like, actually people cooperating and working together. it wasn't easy, to say the least, as they had a massive midgame power spike with ziggs/miss fortune/j4 that we couldn't keep up with, but we figured it out, coordinated our ults together (i had to land some good rumble ults) and finally won after 44 minutes. all of this without arguing at all, and everyone taking blame and giving advice where it was due.

    that was a good game

    i enjoyed it

    --also i stole baron with my ult what's up--

  8. Mhm. Nami's is that she does this really severe swipe thing with her scepter. a few of them are interesting.

    also, played adc nami in normals against a fed leblanc 'n co. went well! she's just really good as an adc. I AM STILL CONVINCED.

  9. okay so I'm gonna try some ad nami because i was convinced that it was viable and told amethyst that it was

    so now if it's not

    i'll just look silly

    i tried her 1v1 with my friend and some observations: she's squishy as jesus christ holy what, but also does stupid amounts of early damage and cc :). her crit animation is nifty toooooo

  10. A lot of the season 3 changes have been underwhelming to me, at least. Biscuit seems pretty useless on anything that's not a support, as does the explorer ward. Sightstones seem stupidly useful. Aside from that, there's not much that's very interesting. Boots + 3 pots still is the best start for most everything (what a surprise).

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