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Posts posted by kil

  1. On 7/6/2019 at 2:39 PM, pointblankerror said:


    I get this error when entering the zone zero desert 

    EDIT: this is happening with all wild pokemon encounters even outside of zone zero. (im continuing the narcissa sidequest and im in crash hell ;()

    did you ever figure out the solution to this I really would love to play this game :(

  2. 1 hour ago, Soyouseeo said:

    This happened To me a while ago. I used a backup save in the Saved Games Folder and it fixed this error. You should try the same

    ok so delete my most recent save file and use another one? I'll try it, Thanks


    edit: I started the game with a backup save as far back as I'm willing to go (I just beat Erick for my 9th badge and it wasn't easy) and to test it I tried to use the black flute and the error still occurred. Now I'll just play without using the black flute and see if it happens again. Will update in a few hours.

  3. Screen goes black and a window comes up that says:

    Script 'PokemonItemEffects' line 57: NoMethodError occurred.

    undefined method 'blackFluteUsed=' for nil:NilClass


    Game then is shut down

    Just started this morning occuring randomly about 10 minutes into playing or if I use the black flute it happens automatically.


    Should I reinstall? If I do I won't lose my save files right?

    Also is this something new?


  4. So I currently have 9 of the 10 stickers needed. I want to get the last one and I went through and looked at all the side missions to get them, so the only one I dont think I ever did is the girl with the broken whatever in the forest but maybe I did Idk because I dont have the medicine anymore and shes nowhere to be found. Anything I can do or does her being gone mean I actually did do it?


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