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Posts posted by GoldInfernape

  1. Spoilers for the main story ahead in case anyone reading this hasn’t finished it yet.


    I just beat Lin and the main story seems to have ended with


    the real Lin talking about how this doesn’t feel like a real ending and she wants to play forever.

    I agree with her in that this doesn’t feel like an ending at all, so I was just wondering, is there more of the main story with Lin and all during the post game? Is it like a PMD Explorers of Sky thing where


    the post game reveals the real story at the end

    , or is it just side quests for legendaries and that vague ending is just the ending I got? If it’s the latter, I’d rather just try to play through a better ending. I’d appreciate if anyone could answer this without actually spoiling anything story wise, just letting me know if there actually is more story or if going for a different ending would shed more light on the story. Thanks in advance!

  2. 7 hours ago, Rendolf said:

    You mean the dex quest in Agate? You don't need a Poipole for that, in fact Poipole can only be gotten after that quest is complete.

    I saw on the wiki that if you have a Poipole in your dex from a trade, then it counts the quest as completed and you get the rewards for it, is that not the case? I don’t really wanna halt my playthrough to go through and get all 731 Pokémon right now, so I was hoping this method worked.

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