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Posts posted by Razoff

  1. After going through the pyramid puzzle, i took control of my character then a window said "wait for everyone else" so i tried to press A to activate the transimttor, it doesnt work, i cant swap to ren or aelita. + i step on the blue button so i cant go forward anymore im stuck on the middle platform. tried to quit and redo the thing but it still doesnt work...Help

  2. Hey lads, it's been a long time since i havn't log on. By this time ive changed my computer due to performance issue, i was wondering if i could transfer my save file of rejuv on my old machine to my current one because frankly, i dont want to redo all the story (finished v11). I think that there is guide but its for reborn, i dont know if it will actually work with rejuvenation.


    Sorry for the inconvenience, i just came back, and thanks for the help.

  3. 38 minutes ago, Cyphre said:
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    I personally dont think he is from the future per se, quite the opposite. Do you remember the talk about the survivors from the Miera region? Few people stayed alive, and one of them was a woman named Freya. In the Aquamarine cave, when you find Saki, she basically says that Freya woman on the surfboard with an orange hair helped her. And where did we see such woman? Where Love Lies, the true ending, it was Freya who screwed up Keta's life.

    I believe the surfboard guys are a group of Miera survivors, and they were manipulating the events in Aevium for years and years. Their goal can be only speculated though. 



    Hmmm interesting indeed, but I have to check the sprite again if the character is a male or a female but I don't recall it has orange hair. If he is a miera survivor how can he time travel? If he isn't an interceptor the only answer we know is through a crystal but does he carry it on him all the time? 


  4. Spoiler

    From the whole episode, the only character that caught my attention was that guy on his hoverboard. Who might he be? I think he is an interceptor from the the future timeline, he sends us in the past I suspect he can create rifts like zetta ( the MC probably can too but he hasn't discovered it yet). He can also travel through time and control its flow, you can say "yeah but he was surprised when he saw that the MC changed the fate's passage" when we were in the past and discussing with him as Ren, he said that he was surprised but already knew about HIS fate, I think he was surprised because of the MC being an interceptor (he didn't knew it before) but what is his goal? I think he is from the future because of his outfit, his pokemons, his battle theme ( I wonder what is the name of this remix?) and he is trying whether to stop a great calamity like xenpurgis or storm - 9 that happened in his timeline, or to start it early. It's just a theory we will find out eventually... Also f*ck his Xurkitree, f*ck beast boost, and f*ck ren's trash team 


  5. Spoiler

    That ending... You are winning the tournament, getting your badge from adam and all... And then the cliffhanger, bladestar comes and fuck everything up, the grandball blows you are waiting for the rest and Then comes :"this is the end of rejuvenation v11 etc..." those endings man I swear... 


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  6. Heyo dear spork creator, well... Before I first updated I put my screen on medium and save at route 9,then put my custom scripts then it started giving me an error later in the game, cf spoiler


    When I was playing with lavender 

    So I put the original scripts that I've backed up before replacing it with my own, and then the error message happens.  Edit: so after checking the rej club it seems I'm not the only one who got this specific problem, in fact it's not coming from my own scripts (I was worried for a sec) it happens to a lot of ppl here. I think Jan will provide assistance later, because this issue has been reported a few hours ago, let's hope for the best...

  7. Spoiler


    Hey boys, I might have uh... Messed with the scripts a bit, it crashed my game at the hospital. But I had a backup of the v11 scripts, but when I copy it and start the game it says: "script 'sprite resizer' line 151:TypeError occurred. No implicit conversion from nil to integer" its not so much of a big deal as I can download the game and get the scripts file again, but I was wondering why this error occurs

  8. Hey all, so i want to use zeta as main_char, but the only important thing missing is his trainer back, does he even have one ? i think i already know the answer but i just want to make sure. after all maybe he has, but it is just hidden from us, who knows....

  9. Hey there, so I started a mono run on sandbox. The thing is, it takes a crazy amount of time and energy pressing your bottom arrow to select something from a list, does reborn have a fast select key? In rejuvenation if you hold W it goes to the next alphabetical letter and if you press A it goes to the previous 

  10. ... You are in philosophy class thinking about v11 then realize that Rorrim B=Mirror B, then childhood memories comes and your head start dancing disco,then realize that Jan is such a man of culture, really...Then realize that there must be a more suitable section to post such bs like this post XD. 

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  11. Me again, ahem, I might sound dumb but right after the puppet master events aelita comes to greet me and then tells me to meet her at grand dream station, yeah but... Which one? I tried every station and she is nowhere to found, do I have something to complete before that? I'm kind of lost here

  12. Idk what happened honestly, as I said after I wiped team xen out of Valor mountain I went to telia resort in amber room, then she told me to watch TV with her then venam pops out and steal her charizard and the story keeps going but as lspaceship said, I battled her back in her room so I'm fine now, but that's weird... 

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