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Posts posted by VProto

  1. ...I have no idea what black magic hacking skills you have but hilariously enough that ALMOST WORKED. That actually let me properly boot up the save, and play a bit! Well. Play until I try and use a PC, at which point it encounters a fatal error, but oh well. Thanks for the help regardless, and certainly not a bad idea to go poke those people. 

  2. Yeah, I'm not sure what's up with the save file thing, as I wouldn't be sure where it'd go within the Reborn folder itself, and the whole Saved Games thing within the Wine drives is what I heard reading through other threads, and sure enough there was that folder there when I looked. Perhaps its an odd glitch or such, not sure, but ah well, thanks for the assistance regardless. 

  3. Thanks for the welcome, its certainly good to be getting back into Reborn...its a heck of a game from what I last played, and now that I'm done with the most recent Pokemon games I could use some more of it, especially with the updates, But yeah, the game itself boots fine, and I've even messed around with the settings a small bit (Though the changes did not seem to be saved), but the moment I press the New Game button and it tries to make a new game, it fails and hands me that error message.  As for the old save, I don't believe it still exists, or at least if it does, its buried deeper than what I could immediately find, though luckily enough I do seem to have a backup backup copy of it...emphasis on a backup backup, I'm not sure if its even remotely up to date from when I last played however long ago an episode or two ago or if its an older one than that, but its a start, and I might dig further to see if I have another, regardless though. Having put that old save though into what I believe is the correct spot (C:\users\username\Saved Games), it DOES actually recognize it as a valid save file, and offers to start that file up...though when I try, it still hands me the same error. 

  4. Recently I've decided to pick up Reborn again, and it would seem to be rather nonfunctional with Wine (http://winebottler.kronenberg.org/ this being the version I am using, 1.8.3 last I checked) on Mac at the moment, for me at least, and I haven't been able to find any particular thread thus far to help with that, with the threads that do address Reborn on Mac appearing to be either different problems, or situations that I either have not encountered or am unaware of how to reach. My issue in particular is that upon booting the game, it functions normally until I actually try to make a New Game, at which point the screen goes black, and it crashes with an error after a few moments. 



    Script 'SpriteWindow' line 805: Errno::ENOENT occured.

    No such file or directory - C:\Users\[UserName]\Temp
    When I played before, it worked as fine as could be expected for running the game through Wine, so I would assume the updates to both Wine and Reborn are what might be causing the issues. 


    If it helps to say, while I did not follow this thread in particular when I first started, it does seem to follow the same process of how I got the game to run before, and what I tried to do this go around. 

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