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Posts posted by Sato

  1. Hi! :D

    After I restored Azurine Island, I tried to do the side quest to beat all the mushrooms in there, but I beat every single one. The person that gave me the mission keeps saying that there's still one left. Could someone resolve it, please?? I will be very grateful.

    (I can't upload my data file in here. It says its too big)

  2. Hi!


    I have the problem with the mushroom in Azurine Island after renovating it... Could someone fix it, please? It would you make me a lot happy.


    I'm new using the forum, so I don't know where is the file that I need to uplode here to be fixed. Which one is?

    Sorry if I said something wrong, because I don't speak english really well and because I'm new here.

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