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Posts posted by XyNaLufan

  1. On 8/18/2018 at 4:27 PM, Ricochet Ray said:

    I got it to work. Since I don't know how to delete this topic, I thought I'd share my fix in case anyone else has the same problem. 

    I just snuck by the guard and entered the door to the north and exited again. 

    Thank you so very much for sharing! I'be been stuck at this exact same spot and had the exact same problem for months! Now I can finally progress! Thank you! :D

  2. I really do not mean to keep asking this but I am still stuck at the prison breakout in Blacksteeple Castle and cannot  progress in the game any further. I can't get back to the left wing where the Absol statue is to meet with Braixen. After I pass the guards, I'm just bumping into the entrance as if it were a wall and hearing the bumping sound effect. Walking back a few steps does not resolve the issue for me. Has anyone else encountered this problem and been able to fix it?  I really would like to continue the game, but I see no way to bypass this bug. My original post is on page 8 of this forum.

  3. I am still stuck at the prison breakout in Blacksteeple Castle. I cannot  get back to the left wing where the Absol statue is to meet with Braixen. After I pass the guards, I'm just bumping into the entrance as if it were a wall and hearing the bumping sound effect. I still cannot progress in the game. Walking back a few steps does not resolve the issue for me. Has anyone else encountered this problem and been able to fix it?  I really would like to continue the game, but I see no way to bypass this bug. My original post is on page 8 of this forum.

    Pokemon Rejuvenation Screenshot (Stuck in Blacksteeple Castle).jpg

  4. I just updated to v10 because of a problem I was having during the prison breakout in Blacksteeple Castle. I cannot seem to get back to the left wing where the Absol statue is to meet with Braixen. After I pass the guards, I'm just hearing the bumping sound effect as if I am walking into a wall and cannot progress. Has anyone else encountered this problem and is there a way to fix it? I had hoped it would resolve by updating to v10 from v9, but it hadn't. 

    Pokemon Rejuvenation Screenshot (Stuck in Blacksteeple Castle).jpg

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