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Posts posted by Vslightning

  1. I think most everyone has morals, aside from murders, and some thieves. I don't think just anyone would really feel right about going and killing someone. Although, like someone else said, I think a lot of the morals they follow are from a religious origin.

  2. I first became aware of pokemon when I was 8 and my cousin had one of the first few versions. I ended up getting it for my birthday that year. I took a break after I got (and beat FireRed), but got back into it during the tail end of Platinum. My cousin got me into competitive battling and showed me Shoddy. While trying to find a pokemon (I think Arceus), someone refered me to a trading site, where I got my pokemon, and further developed my competitive battling. Stayed with it since, having waves of a lot of interest, and times where a few battles a week was alright. Been on two sites (regularly) before this one, so this will be my third pokemon forum.

  3. Hello~

    How's it going?

    Sup dude. You won't see me on the server after this week, but I'll be here on the forums. Welcome to the padded house Reborn.

    I've seen you before on there before. Maybe we'll battle sometime. Thanks for the welcome!

    i used to think winter was maelstrom

    Howdy cowboy

    Howdy partner. xP

    sup person welcome to reborn

    Thank ya kindly.

  4. Hai! And welcome! I've seen you around~ And... I think you registered two forum accounts...Either that or I'm just blonde... which is also true...

    Hello. I've been around here more, since I have a few old friends that hang around the server, and since my home server has been down. Also, I don't think I did. D: If I did, I didn't mean to. What would be the name of the other account? ,_,

    hi mod of PBC.


    Hello. xP

    Hi former admin of PBC Winter sucks

    Hai Vs. We know each other. Enjoy your stay and all that.

    Oh Cloud why do you insult me like this!

    After all the jiggling you made me do.


    Hey Cloud, nice to see them familiar faces.

    Hi Vs~ Nice that you hang out here now~ ; v ;

    It seems like a nice place. :)

    Yo Vs. Glad to see you around. ^.^

    Enjoy Reborn. :D

    Thanks Kaito! I'm sure I will! Just have to work my way into a new forum.

    Welcome to the forum :3

    Thanks for the welcome. :D

  5. I have a few friends that hang out on the server, so I've been hanging out there some lately, and decided to check out the forums. After quickly noticing they were pretty solid, I decided to join. I never make good introductions, but I'll start off with basic stuff about me. My favorite pokemon is Lucario, and favorite anime/game character is obviously Riley. Started pokemon at 8, but didn't get into competitive until nearly two years ago.

    All that stuff being said.. hello everyone.

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