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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Zanshouken

  1. Forum name: Zanshouken

    Showdown alts: Zanshouken 

    Discord: Zan#0738

    Availability: 4pm to 1am GMT -5 on weekdays except Friday (unavailable)

    Anytime on weekends

    Favorite type(s): Fire, Bug, Ice

    Least favorite type(s): Ghost


    Hi, I'm new, please be gentle.

  2. Hi all.

    So, this probably isn't anything that warrants a full thread on the subject, but it's driving me a little bit crazy.

    I'm replaying Reborn, new hard drive/no backups, and there is a hidden item on a raised area in the western part of Tourmaline desert.

    On this raised platform is a jar, a chair, a box of flowers, and a trash can. The hidden item seems to be wedged in a rock behind the flowers and the trash.

    Has anyone found a way to get this item/move the barriers out of the way? 

    Again, it's probably not important and I might even be dumb enough to be misinterpreting the item finder. 

    Anyway, if anyone has any information to sate my curiosity, it would be much appreciated.

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