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Posts posted by ZombieGoat

  1. Cant figure out what to do after I get to grand dream city? I've looked around a bit and been shown the apartment by Rhodea and Huey, He said something about meeting the other roommate when I left the apartment but now I cant find them and everyone else is just staying in the apartment :/

  2. After beating Blake on the mountain Cal says about the sleep signal and whoever said it was up there was lying and I should confront Terra, I went back to the big top tent and spoke to Samson who said 'did you want to go back in?' and teleported me to Terra's world, I'm a bit confused because its the first I've seen it and I hadn't gone and confronted her or anything like that so I'm wondering if there is something missing in the game or if I've accidentally skipped something somehow. Sorry if this post is in the wrong area.

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