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Posts posted by ctsun

  1. Oh, right, She'd forgotten about the sword in her hands. The rapier that was very capable of stabbing strangers in the gut and making them fall down. Oh, well. Now, uhhh, where was she? Perhaps it was just the loosely dressed ant's question but maybe she wasn't in the right place. Better ask to make sure. As Sting bounced for a spot for a few moments (and try to get her brain working), she heard a high-pitched flute sound behind her. Right on time. Who better than him? "Oh, hi, Bendy!" she greeted cheerily, turning around to face the black ant. "Um, where are we a-whaooo-whoops!" 


    That last cry came from not watching her feet and somehow, tripping over the fallen specialist's body, sending the little mosquito tumbling head over heels and crashing right into the tablet-wielding ant behind her. Well, there's something to be said about watching your step.


    Bend to I7 and refresh Sting (I8)

    Stings to I9 and stab Adept Gloom (I10)

  2.  OgWOwDc.png

    After a few minutes of bouncing around with nothing to do, it was oddly exhilarating to finally be stuck into the action. With a loud spirited (and partially stress-relieving) yell of "Hyaaa!", the little mosquito barrels towards the loosely-clothed black ant with a charging headbutt. Well, there was more than one way to use her head, she mused to herself with a giggly "Oh, hi there!" as if she was entirely unaware that she was in the middle of a raging battlefield.


    Bounce to I8 and stab Specialist A (I9)

  3. Sting wasn't quite sure what was happening but all the arrows were flying their way and she was sure she'd just seen Diligence fall down with a few arrows in her. It looked painful. Getting knocked down wasn't fun. She would know. She'd dearly love to jump all the way across the ledge, like some super flying bug, to teach those bullying archers some what-for but, alas. The ledge was too wide so it was all she could do to bounce her way up around the ledge and-Was that Mr. Pigeon Rider just flying away there? He was talking with Mr. Black Rider for a really, really long time. Oh, she's got it! They must be long-lost secret lovers!


    As she bounded her up to the edge of the pavement, and took a swig of her vulnerary, Sting nodded thoughtfully to herself. Oh, she's got it all figured out now~!


    Sting bounces up to F4 and Vulneraries self.

  4. She had been waiting long enough. Sting's tiny wings were nearly buzzing with excitement. With a tiny hop, skip and a lunge, she charges towards Corporal Dart with her rapier held in front and a wild "HAII-YAA!". 


    Lotus to D7 and snipe Corporal Dart (E9)

    Sting moves to E10 and stab Dart (E9)

    Brilliant to B8 and heal Pinecone (C8)

  5. Spoiler

    Name: Emilia Elmarit ("Prince")
    Age: 17
    Class: Rider -> Pegasus Knight -> Valkyrie
    Character Skill: Savior

    Personal Flaw: Innocent Eyes meeting the Fallen: +10 to Enemy Crit against this character if there is a downed, unrescued ally within 3 squares of this character. 
    Personal Skill: Eye of the Mind: +15 to Evade when carrying an ally.
    /Personal Skill: Angel's Outcry: +10 to Crit against any enemy that has downed an ally the previous turn.
    //Personal Skill: Martyr's Soul: Restores 5 extra HP to downed allies.
    Preferred Stats: Skill, Speed
    Weapon Proficiency: Lance (E)
    Level: 1
    Total Level: 1
    Progression Spent: 330/330%
    HP: 18 (60%) +1*2 = 20
    STR: 4 (50%) +1 = 5
    MAG: 0 (10%) 
    SKL: 4 (40%) 
    LCK: 2 (50%)
    DEF: 3 (20%)
    RES: 1 (50%) 
    SPD: 3 (50%) +2 = 5
    MOV: 4
    CON: 5
    AID: 4


  6. ivRaM6n.png

    Looks like more fighting ahead, she guessed. Sting hoped that this fight will hurt a lot less than the last one. She hopped forward energetically following Stardust's movements, pausing only briefly to ask Bend a question. He seemed to recognise these bugs.

    "Hey, Bendy", she asked with a wide-eyed, curious head tilt. "Who are they? You seemed to know. Oh~! I know! Are they friends of yours?" she asked, clapping her hands in (supposed) comprehension. Maybe not. He didn't sound too happy about all this, for starters.


    Move to D-12.

  7. To be quite honest, all this talk about magic and writings and ancient humans were going completely over Sting's head. The most she'd gotten out of all this was that it all promised to be a grand adventure full of challenges and discoveries and brave deeds and that got her interest right away. Though, she could have sworn she's heard of humans before...from those barely remembered oral legends of mosquito heroes now long gone. 


    Sting's back wings flared a little in excitement. She can't wait until she made her legend. This adventure sounded like the perfect place!...So long as she didn't get knocked so much again. That had hurt.

  8. If Sting had thought the Redoubt was amazing, the University only made the Redoubt look small. Sting stopped to stare in wonder all around her before answering the spider as though she had just realised she was there.


    "Dunno. They were all grumpy and mean and had the same face and kept on going on about stupid stuff like honour and stuff.", she paused for a moment as though it wasn't very important before being distracted by the next thing that drew her attention.  "Oooo~! Oooo~! I wanna try jumping off that blade of grass. Watch me run~! Watch me fly~! Weeee~!"

  9. For the second time that day, Sting had to pick herself back up after being laid out onto the ground. She was even starting to get used to all this. Getting knocked down and standing back up again. It was starting to become a little concerning, actually.


    There was a brief moment as the mosquito girl leaned against Bend as he helped her to steady herself back to her feet...along with a bit of a stumble when the recruit moved to help the bees instead.


    "Awawawa~!", Sting cried out, her arms waving wildly from side to side as she hurriedly sought to re-balance herself before finally opting to lean on her wooden rapier instead. "Did we win?", she asked, her head bowed slightly in exhaustion as she slowly caught her breath back before finally glancing around herself.


    "Yay! We won!", she cheered, bouncing lightly to her feet as the day's battle hadn't taken place at all. She made a point of not looking at the corpses lying all around the the party. Who knew what they were after and they were aiming for? She certainly didn't know. It probably wasn't very interesting, what with all that talk about dying for honour or something. Can't be very fun or interesting, anyway. She'd far rather live for her goals and do something awesome, like stabbing a cat or something. Besides, getting hurt hurt~ She'd rather avoid that if she could.

  10. This was a bad idea. A bad idea that would probably leave her face-down and eating dirt. Again. But, well, it wasn't as though she wasn't full of bad ideas. Nor chances to eat dirt. The young mosquito bounced up and down on the dirt path, brimming with energy. A desperate energy born on the verge of defeat. One bounce. Two bounces later and Sting was launching herself head-first at the beetle mage. At times of crisis, she should use her head. Probably not in that way.


    Move to B5 and stab Shinywings (C5)

  11. Sting was still hurting. She could barely keep her eyes open. As much as she wanted to charge straight through the forest of grass and towards the enemies on the other side, she can't. Even she can tell that it's too far. The best she can do now is shuffle along with the rest of the group and hope for the best.


    Sting to B9

  12. Her head still spinning from the swordsbug's punch, Sting only barely manages to stagger to her feet from the flute's song, panting heavily. She takes a moment to stick her rapier into the dirt before her and lean against it heavily. 


    She takes a moment to turn her head towards Bend and smile weakly, her usual energy sapped from her for the moment. "Oh, don't worry about me, Bendy.", she attempted to cheer. "I eat dirt like this all the time." But never from actual wounds and injuries. Just from her random schemes and contraptions. All in an effort to earn her name.


    She shook her head a little to try to pay attention to the words of the archer. Something about life taking life? It doesn't sound like a lot of fun to her, really. But then again, nothing here really is fun. She should go and give Stardust a hug. A full-body tackle-hug. Sounds like she could really use one but she was just feeling really, really tired right now. 


    Sting leaned heavily on her sword once more and waited a few more moments to try to get her breath back. Fighting. Fighting wasn't any fun, after all.

  13. The wound on her leg was even more painful but somehow it allowed a sudden rush flowing through her body. A sudden flood of energy, igniting a certain spark within the little mosquito.


    With that newfound spark, she quickly charges towards the knife-wielder, her little rapier thrust in front of her and her movements a blur. There was a newfound sense of desperation. These bugs weren't playing anymore and neither can she. Fighting wasn't really any fun. That was clear now. So, she should try to end it as fast as she can.


    Zoom to E10 and Stab the Looter (E9)

  14. Spoiler

    Name: Suzume

    Class: Kunoichi [Scholar] -> Ninja Master [Mountain Warrior]

    Special: Levitation


    Class Skill:  Art of the Water Spider [Sea Walk] (Can traverse and end their turn on Water Terrain at a cost of 2 MOV per tile.)

    Ninja Stars [Rapid Strike] (When attacking, can choose to do an extra attack at the end of the normal order. This extra attack deals half damage and all attacks have -20 Hit.)

    /Promoted Class Skill:  Momentum (For every 2 spaces traversed, they gain a +1 AS bonus and a +2 DMG bonus. This bonus resets to 0 at the end of the turn, even if they haven't made an attack.)

    Character Skill: Third Eye [Awareness] (Negates enemy Character Skills, Class Skills, and Personal Skills.)


    Affinity: Wood (+2.5 Hit, +5 Evasion, +2.5 Dodge)


    Personal Flaw: On the Edge of Darkness and Light: When healed from being downed, always revives with 1 HP.

    Personal Skill: Student of Life and Death: +5 HP healed to downed allies.

    /Personal Skill: Beyond the Realm of Shadows: +15 to Hit when making an attack from Forested terrain.

    //Personal Skill: Storming the Forbidden Realm: +15 to Evade after having used over half of all mov points.


    Preferred Stats: Skill, Magic


    Weapon Proficiency: Bow (D), Staff (D) -> Recurve (B), Ailment (B), Bow (C), Judgment (C), Staff (C), Light (D)


    Level: 7 Total Level: 7


    Progression Spent: 0/330


    Initial Stats:

    HP: 18 ( 69% )

    STR: 0 ( 52% ) +4

    MAG: 6 ( 43% )

    SKL: 7 ( 40% )

    LUK: 1 ( 19% )

    DEF: 1 ( 24% )

    RES: 4 ( 25% )

    SPD: 5 ( 58% )

    MOV: 5

    CON: 7

    AID: 6

    Rerolled: First Class Proficiency (Original: Nomad)

    [Mug coming later if chosen] 

  15. Owwieee!! That hurt. That really hurt. Okay, fighting was officially no longer fun now. Not that it ever really was fun. Just those other bugs seemed to be having so much fun finding 'proper' deaths. Was dying fun? She had no idea. But getting hurt clearly wasn't. Pinecone and Ebon also clearly weren't going to be much fun, being all stony and silent-y. Stardust, on the other hand, was clearly having lots of fun screaming. She should have a go too.



    "Allaallaaaah!", she screamed out, half out of adrenaline and half out of just sheer trying to ignore her arm was hurting really badly right now. She lunged forwards once more, performed a small bounce off the ground and dived towards the butterfly in a vicious downward stab. There was a shaky glance in her eyes. Was this the real world? The real world hurt. Not her usual fun hurt, just falling and eating dirt and getting back up again but actual, painful hurt. She decided already she didn't like that very much.


    Stab at Marauder C.

  16. Seeing the coast was clear, Sting simply bounded out of her patch of grass and bounced towards the patch on the opposite side, humming lightly to herself and pointedly NOT looking at any of the fallen so far. It's all blood and guts and icky stuff and wow, are these bugs eager to fight.


    Then again, not that eager seeing as they are having to come to them. What kind of robbers have to make the robbees come to them? Well, they are blocking the path. Kinda.


    They did say all sorts of fun stuff, though. Are they having that much fun dying? Oh, hey. That last looter made a sound. A reaaaallly funny sound. Her favourite so far.


    "Cpfahahah!", she imitated, bursting into a giggle before settling into a excited bounce on the spot and whistling loudly. Waiting's kinda bor-ing~. May be if she tried climbing some of these grass and using them as a slingshot to hurl a Sting Javelin Special. Wouldn't that be fun?


    Hop on over to C9

  17. Wow! That was a lot more blood from the wasp than she was expecting. A whole lot more! Were fights meant to be this bloody? How should she know? She's never been in a fight before. A whole proper fight!


    Sting bounced back onto her heels after the stab at the wasp, glancing at the blood covering the tip of her rapier and only barely the mutterings of the fly archer. Sting simply giggled and laughed, trying to cover her own nervousness and inexperience with sheer energy and by simply babbling at a million miles per minute.


    "Oh, I heard that! And I don't think so! You're the ones trying to rob us, not the other way around. I mean, you're Marauderers, right? You're lost! Veeeeery lost. This isn't Maraudererer-" Her babbling was interrupted by the dagger-moth trying to sneak up on her in the grass and missing. Sting simply bounced forwards and then back, this time with more blood on her rapier.


    'Ha! Ha! Missed me! Try again!", she taunted, dancing around the dagger-moth with energetic bounces. She paused for a moment and then realised she forgot what she was going to say next and simply stabbed at the dagger-moth again with a simple "HAAAIIIYAAA!" Hopefully, with less blood and guts and corpses and icky stuff this time. Maybe she could try just knocking him out? Maybe? How should she know? She barely knows what she's stabbing at.


    Move to B12 and Stab Looter A (C12)

  18. Miss Crash probably didn't mean to but the world has a way of making her a big liar. Sting couldn't help but grip tightly onto her wooden sword and glance at their attackers nervously. Not even she can be hyperactive forever. Marauders. She's heard of them before. The wandering life of a mosquito band wasn't always easy. Sometimes you cross paths with other bands who don't always see things the way you do. Always the grown ups were there to sort things out. Not here.

    But Sting won't be afraid. She can't let herself be. Fearlessly and excitedly charging into the future and towards her own name and destiny, that was her. This might just be a little more serious than what she was used to, though. They were trying to rob them after all. There was just a hint of a nervous laughter in her voice, as she tried to psych her up.


    "AHAHAHA! That must make you the bad guys! Well, guess what? Mister Bad Guy! That makes us the heroes! And heroes never lose! C'mon, Bendy! CHARRGE!"


    There was the whoosh of an arrow overhead and sound of a flute and she was dashing through the forest of grass towards her foe, her little wings buzzing excitedly and her wooden rapier aimed right at her foe.


    After Lotus moves:

    Move to E13/D14 (doesn't matter), be danced by Bend to C13 and stab Marauder A (C12)

  19. It sounded boring. Where's the fun in looking at the sky anyhow? The sky isn't going anywhere. It looked really pretty, though. All flowers and circles and dots and...she didn't get it. Was it fun? It's not an adventure. Or anything big, flashy and name-getting. Sting merely hugged Stardust tighter and bounced up and down. Faster. And sideways. And are they bouncing along randomly and along the rest of the path? Yes, they are.


    "Weeeee~!!!", she giggled, picking Stardust up and spinning round and round in circles. Now,  this was fun. For her. Probably not for poor Stardust, though.

  20. ivRaM6n.png

    "Like you~!" Sting immediately turned her attention away from Pinecone and  jumped to Stardust instead. Scrambled all over her in a great big bear hug, she stopped to peer over at her tablet. "Whatcha got there? Ooooo~! Prett~y! Must be really fun if you're staring at that all day! And going-" She pursed her lips in a imitation of Stardust's previous humming. Badly. "Puu-tutu! Tu-tutu!"

  21. Sting wasn't listening to the speech. To either speech. She was much too busy flitting across the road, staring at the lights and sounds of the Redoubt. She'd never been to the Redoubt before. Full of houses and machines and bugs in funny hats. It was all so new and exciting that she'd only barely realised she'd been called.


    "Coming, Miss Crash!", she chirped up happily, dashing across the road at the odd bunch of bugs at lightning speed. Well, fast enough anyway. A little too fast. Fast enough to trip over, what seemed like thin air (but what was probably a loose bit of gravel on the path) and come tumbling down the path and crashing into a large and fuzzy-chested bee. Soft landing too. Not like one of her usual tumbles. They usually had bits of dirt and grass and all kinds of machinery and stuff that she threw herself into.


    "HII YAA~! Thanks for the landing! I'm Sting! I want to become a great superhero!", Or did she? Honestly, she lost track of what she wanted to become this week. Whatever. Not important. She'll do something great and figure it out along the way. "What's your name? Pine-cone? That's a funny name!", she giggled, bouncing up and down excitedly. "But don't worry about it! It's a nice name. What do you like to do for fun~? Oh, this is going to be blast~!" She could have sworn she heard some talk about some bandits or raiders or danger or whatever. Whatever. She was having too much fun already. This is going to be an adventure! Right? Right?

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