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Posts posted by Littlep12

  1. 9 minutes ago, gkhmpg said:

    Are you new to pokemon in general? Because after EV trainings I always see myself underleveled and still having an easy time with gym battles. Sometimes the cap between leaders and me are like 5 to 10, since I got the feeling that if my mons' lvls are higher then it would be too easy :/

    Yes I am a noob lol ... back in my dayyyyyy


    We didn't need to worry about EVS i just walked around alot of beat people up... got beaten around a bit. Like i said im not finding the game hard in fact its nice and challenging it's just one feature of the game that i think could be improved. Look i'm not alone i have seen a few other posts but as i said whenever the bring it up it seems they are quickly slapped aside. My point is there are different styles of play and not one is better then another. Im not afraid to admit that im shit at pokemon.


    3 minutes ago, Sceptilespy said:

    Yup. In any case @Littlep12. There are many ways to "work around" the level cap. But I guess if you don't want the level cap all together. You could ask Ame for the PBS files and download RPG maker to change stuff. I just don't think that's necessary though. 

    What are the many ways?


    So far i just have common candy stuffing.

  2. Update: First thank you everyone who replied to me i really valued reading your comments and opinions i learnt alot of new things so thank you very much. I certainly didn't mean to offend the developers i think as mentioned multiple times the game is well developed and is actually better then many of the original Pokemon games.  I was very happy to read that i was not the only one experiencing this problem anyway I just got my third badge. I'll keep powering through ;) Thanks again.is



    Yes i know here we go again. Another person complaining about the level cap.


    First this is by far one of the best Pokemon games i have ever played at least in terms of story and some of the mechanics however the level system is a huge let down and is essentially this games only major flaw. I have read the posts of others whenever they bring up the level cap the community here is quick to shoot them down.  To be short you only appreciate the other Pokemon games more when you are constantly stuffing common candies or rolling your eyes as the Pokemon in the wild are the same level as your top level Pokemon who you can't level. Who as a Pokemon trainer... you can't train!



    Please read this and help me


    So I might post a bigger rant below but i want some help please.  Is there a way to just ignore the level cap altogether ? Is there a cheat engine or something i can use. This is the first time i have needed to cheat when playing a game however I think id rather just enjoy the game storyline and battles as my own pace rather then a pace dictated by the developers which i disagree with. 




    Ignore the rant below and just help with the question above please unless you want a debate



    Everything below is just me ranting







    Mini Rant



    I think the game is challenging enough as it is it doesn't need what is to be blunt a very poorly designed and paced level cap.


    STOP OVERLEVELING the devs scream stop...god forbid training up your favorite Pokemon. I notice there are no 'pokemon trainer' npcs so far :). You don't like them do you?


    I have never had to use potions so much in a pokemon game  or run back and forth to a Pokemon center my best Pokemon lay in my PC i am forced to use Pokemon i don't like just to enjoy the story of the game. I read something that really upset me a moderator here claiming that people should learn to enjoy all the Pokemon and their skills thats great! But not everyone is the same not everyone wants to use every single pokemon and some people hate the idea of being forced to do so (if it was your opinion great but you use that as an excuse to justify bad design) if i'm honest... I hate the majority of Pokemon i am being forced to use to be 'catching them all' was not the goal it was 'to be the very best'. Because there is nothing more painful then your Pokemon leveling mid fight and then suddenly ignoring you the *bond with those Pokemon that just doesn't exist here* For those of you quick to scream that i level too much or i need to just use common candies every few fights well I use super repel all the time. I almost dread travelling you don't need to grind as your Pokemon level very quickly in this game.


    The fact is I shouldn't need to worry about level caps if the game is paced properly currently my only focus in this game is getting badges as quickly as i can so when another gym leader wants to investigate or save the world i roll my eyes i don't care about the plot at this point i care that i can't even play the game properly because your bitch ass won't give me a badge. Not training my Pokemon my pain is that i have to rush the story because if i take my time all my Pokemon will be useless.


     I hate leveling down my Pokemon theirs something painful about being forced to erase the time i spent getting through your game.  


    Mega rant



    Takes away the pleasure of training up your Pokémon.


    Takes away from what is a beautifully developed games because the truth is you shouldn't NEED common candies I don't go out of my way to level my Pokémon its the environment you created that's making my Pokémon go to higher levels.


     It was something i noticed only briefly or very rarely in the main games as by the time you reached the levels required for the level cap you already had a badge i almost never noticed it because the games are paced well.


    It does create a new dynamic where you use lots of different but useless Pokémon. At the end of the day you'll go back to your favorite Pokemon if that's the type of trainer you are.


    This game forces you to play in a certain way and while some might enjoy it i do not. Don't get me wrong i love the game i just don't enjoy this element of the game play I don't feel challenged more then just annoyed. It's like there are you happy i trained up a (who cares) to beat your gym leader and it took me an extra 30 mins. Or crap i lost against your gym leader what an amazingly challenging fight ... but look at this my Pokemon got stronger... too strong... not they wont listen to me and i need to level them down.


     I enjoy loosing fights but only when i have been bested by my opponent. Not because my Pokémon level during a few battles and suddenly won't listen to me...just because. You know you enter the gym level 33 and by the final fight your level 36 and that's it time to eat some common candies.


    I think there's a simple solution. The level cap should be optional or allow the users to stipulate what it is.   There's nothing more hilarious to the in game text saying 'be careful your pokemon might go above the level cap'.  Why don't just increase the level cap for each gym based on the natural growth rate of the average player?


    Pokémon trainers as a Pokémon trainer the grind the leveling is the best bit and the most fun and i think you have taken that away from me. Which is a shame because i hate to admit it but this may be one of the best Pokémon games i have ever played. The issue with the level cap makes me appreciate the beauty of the standard pokemon games more. I never realised that your starter pokemon ignored the badge level cap because of its bond with you or that you could ignore leveling and grinding if you wanted more a challenge before playing this game.  No longer can you after finding a hard boss go to a forest level your Pokémon up and return for a battle. Instead you'll search far and wide for one Pokémon that you don't like ( I personally hate cute looking Pokémon so thats most of them for me) in fact i am so old school i hate most new gen pokemon.


    finally :) I love the story and the plot so far the characters are beautifully developed.



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