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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Dalael

  1. It's there any chance to remove "randomize" button and only get random battles in grass? And, there is any chance to remove all legendaries from the roll? I'd like to do by myself but I'm not programmer :( just asking dont be mad for this questions.


    I'm playing with a friend and want random monster but randomize button is a bitchy :3

  2. The question is simple I was foruing (Concept) for a while but I dont get what I'm looking for, if anyone knows any other post where this question have been made, just link and I'll delete this shit :3


    I need information about the difficults, be specific, I mean, if the pokemon are STRONGER in insane difficult or just the thing is we have MANY less money or MANY less experience, if anyone got parametres (words xdd) will be so good for me to choice an adequate difficult.




    Normal (reborn) :


    Pokemon (Strength):  Low // Medium // Higher

    Money:  Low // Medium // Higher

    Experience: Low // Medium // Top

    Hatching: Low // Medium // Top


    AND if u have % will be better


    Pokemon (Strength):  from 0% (NO IV NO EV, shit) to 200% (Full IV/EV items etc.)

    Money:  From 0% (You gain no money from trainers for example) to 200% (Trainers give double money)

    Experience: From 0% (You won 0 experience that I think isnt possible xD but you know for information) to 200%

    Hatching: From easy to hard


    Sorry for longpost and sorry for worst english xD


    Thanks in advance \o/

  3. As the title says there is not text in-game everything is blank. I was looking for 1 hour for solutions but I cant find anyone, I tried these things:


    1- Re-installing game

    2- Run as administrator

    3- Installing fonts from in my fonts

    4- With and without patchs

    5- Run in other compatibilities systems (w7,w8,xpsp2)

    ALSO: I can't do a rollback in windows cause other problems so is not an option...


    If anyone knows how to solve it. THANKS.


    All of games are in the same situation.

    I'm thinking the problem can be the "player" of these games (Maybe RGSS player?) if anyone can light it up, thanks!





  4. Hi!! I did ended reborn the last week and was looking for others pokemon fan-made games but no-one do the same as reborn to me (great experience) then my friend and me are going to start Rejuvenation but I have some questions;


    1- Is this game completed?

    2- if 1 is no: Is this game still in development?

    3- How many hours offer this game?

    4- I watch many contradictorius (this word even exist in english?) contradictory, adversius (latin now, its 3:45 am dont blame all on me) information about this game so: its 7th generation in?

    5- Is there legendarys to catch?


    Well sorry if I disturb with the post but need the reply, I'll play the game anyway but.. you know :<


    Thanks in advance, love!

  5. Hey good afternoon :) 


    I have many questions (by the moment) maybe I'll have more in a close future (xD) I beginned the game 2-3 days ago and I have like 25 hours (Just showing my adulations to the game, is fantastic) specially I love the dificult make me to think and not like ALL pokemons games A, A, A, A, oh wow I'm evolving, A, a,a,a....

    Well to the point.


    Questions 0.1

    1st: How to evolve Riolu to Lucario? Where I can see happiness or how to control the time in-game? (I mean when its sun, night) I'm wondering across the TV but it's easier to ask ^^U

    2nd: How to evolve Pheebas to Milotic? Same as up

    3rd: I see there's no legendary pokemon applied by the moment. Is reborn in expansion or will never be legends?

    Questions 0.2 (17/09/2017)

    1st: Where do I get DAWN STONE? >< I tried on the Mr Asdasihda cave and there is a mining block that blocks (hehe) the way, and cant continue, I cant find 

    the one "who is around the main base" and I dont know how to unblock more floors on big shop ^^U

    2st: The time in game is the same time in game, I mean if I want to evolve Lucario I must log-in on the morning? (If anyone can give Schedule will be perfect ^^)

    3rd: Is there any form to get initials? I'd like some of em :3 (I saw squirtle but asking for the rest or if its posible)


    I want to say the game is wonderfull I'm playing it with a friend and we are enjoying a lot by FAR the best pokémon game, to be honest I never tried a fan made or,

    a hacked one, I only played the officials and pokemmo, but this,... The story, the pokes, the difficult (really I love the dificult), well, see you in next newbie questions :P

    Thats all for the moment <3


    -Thanks in advice


    Pst: Sorry for my english ><

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