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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Ele

  1. As the title suggests I am looking for Blue moon ice cream for extra the extra Titania relationship point and dialogue and I've tried to get it but with no luck. 

    I have a bunch of random extra shinies (mostly wild mons from places up until Ametrine Mountain) so if I can trade one of these for it.

    username: ewlnt




    EDIT: I found it via pickup with some time


  2. 1 hour ago, Kenneth said:

    Wait for ep19. Other than the new episode content and the huge postgame content, there is going to be a ton of additions, like many more trainers to fight, both for insignificant and important battles.


    If you played older episodes like 16, you are going to get annoyed by certain gameplay alterations, like enemy trainers avoiding healing items, enemy pokemon using their weakest moves against you once your mon's health drops in orange and AI malfunctions, like constant purposeless switching at points. All those significantly drop the difficulty of the game, or alter the "experience" overall if you prefer. There are hints that AI is going to get polished even further, for ep19, for the better obviously.


    Also, in ep19, all moves will have proper animations, many of which lack one at present. And don't forget ironing out of bugs. Certain pokemon cannot learn legit moves from move trainers, a few pokemon have issues with their movesets and stuff like that... Which although small, leave a bitter aftertaste in general. Besides, if you 've already beaten the game at least once, there 's little else to do other than battling and trading and even that gets old fast!

    I've played a bit of Episode 17 and I did find the AI a bit more lackluster compared to the previous episodes, but I don't mind it much. In terms of AI updates and such for the next episode, I intend  to wait for a proper hard mode to be released since there was a hint of that being a feature in a future release post Episode 19.

    I wouldn't mind at all replay reborn again just for a hard mode playthrough.

    2 hours ago, Jace3 said:

    And if you replay it, you could also do it as some kind of challenge, like a mono run which is really fun. I'd recommend it.


    I think you can't do anything wrong by replaying reborn. One of the best fan made games I've ever played. 


    Or if you want to have more fun, there is a randomizer available.

    If hard mode doesn't become an official thing , I could do that since I haven't done a proper challenge in a pokemon game before!

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  3. I lost my reborn save file and I thought "maybe I should wait for the next episode", at the time it was Episode 18, and when it did come out I didn't even play it. 

      With that out of the way, I'm here to ask - Should I wait for episode 19 or play through the game as it is? or maybe I should wait for more information about the next episode? 

     (and also one other reason might be the problem with gen 8 being added or not). 






  4. 39 minutes ago, Starry Knight said:

    Does this include event Pokemon as well? I have a gothita, though it's been breed it still has random IVs on the most part she's an event from Beryl Ward and I have squirtle from the wastelands completely wild, also the deerling mystery egg hatched shiny for me if you want any of these I'd like the Tangela

    Wild Pokemon only (Plus I already have both of them).

    I would happily give you a tangela for that deerling 😄


  5. - So I've just arrived at the Tanzan Cove part of the game ,but I decided to go hunting for some shinies 

    I only want shiny wild pokemon

    I have some extra shinies if you want them for these ones that I'm requesting.

    These are the shiny pokemon that I'm missing from the areas up until Tanzan Cove:


    Female Espurr
    Female Combee



    Pokemon Reborn 02_08_2019 13_08_47.png

    Pokemon Reborn 02_08_2019 13_08_55.png

  6. First of all Hello..!


    I'm currently replaying episode 16 and I'm currently about to fight Aya and I can't find the wasteland field effect, I've been looking a few hours . The item guide says its in the wasteland but where?


    EDIT : Nevermind just found it , sorry for the trouble!


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