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Posts posted by Limone

  1. can walk on this part of the water and the tile to the left at route 1

    edit:also 2 tiles on this boat from upper lvl

    edit2:also can go off the boat wich i assume is not intended on this road and sorry if the screenshots are abit big xD






  2. while doing the quests in "the underground" where the fortune teller/nature change guy is etc i ran into this bug

    a different event loaded that i had already done earlier from the main story


    restarts the main story event where bladestars kidnap the wrong person and fly away and it kept going after the battle 

    also cant seem to avoid this so there is no way back to the house with the kimoni girls for now






  3. when playing as Ren back in time going to the mysterious mansion as REN you can trigger a sidequest i assume?

    it teleports me back to the "real" world as Ren and even allows me to use PC etc to store pokes but i have no idea how to get back to the past after this happened

    also speaking to narcissa makes her tell us we have unfinished business







  4. 22 minutes ago, seki108 said:

    I can trade you a Togepi as long as you don't mind it being male.  I'm trying to clear out PC space, so I don't need a good mon in return (otherwise it's going onto WT).

    22 minutes ago, seki108 said:

    I can trade you a Togepi as long as you don't mind it being male.  I'm trying to clear out PC space, so I don't need a good mon in return (otherwise it's going onto WT).


    Edit; @Limone  Ok, I do seem to have a few females available.

    would love a female please!

    when would you like to trade? :)

    btw a noob question but i have seen e17 is out but forgot where i found the topic to update any idea where it is? cant trade apparently without updating

    EDIT:thanks alot for the help @seki108 i am now ready to trade whenever you are,my trade name is "Limone"

  5. looking for a decent IV togepi/murkrow if anybody has any of these that he/she can spare i would really appreciate it

    ~i currently have these pokemons for trade


    -Magnemite 22hp/25atk/31def/31spatk/27spdef/30spe

    -Maril 31hp/31atk/31def/27spatk/31spdef/31spe (superpower/aqua jet/belly drum)

    -Aron 21hp/31atk/31def/20spatk/27spdef/18spe

    -Snivy 31hp/29atk/31def/31spatk/27spdef/31spe

    -Timburr 30hp/31atk/16def/29spatk/5def/21spe

    -Froakie 31hp/31atk/31def/3spatk/31spdef/29spe

    -Larvesta 24hp/11atk/30def/31spatk/29spdef/31spe

    -Elekid 14hp/9atk/31def/31spatk/31spdef/31spe

    -Klefki 31hp/31atk/31def/31spatk/19spdef/31spe

    -Riolu 31hp/31atk/11def/31spatk/31spdef/31spe

    -Budew 9hp/31atk/20def/31spatk/25spdef/31spe

    -Torchic 10hp/19atk/31def/24spatk/18spdef/27spe

  6. uh i have a problem kinda,i was transfering pokemon from my old to my latest playthrough but i made a mistake of swapping the rx data saves while the game was still open and somhow

    both rxdatas are now the same playthrough and i cant seem to open my most recent playthrough :/ pls tell me this is fixable


    "game.rxdata" is my old playthrough and "game1.rxdata" is my latest playthrough wich is bugged (that character name should be Liquicity and i had 6 fully ev trained pokes around lvl 80 on it with not much else in the pc)




    EDIT: i used the backup save file guide THANK GOD FOR THIS managed to fix it myself :)

  7. hello all,kinda new to breeding and i am trying to get a milotic with dragon breath so i looked on serebii and altaria/swablu/feebas/milotic all belong to the dragon breeding group

    but when i put them in the daycare it says they dont seem to like each other very much not sure if this is a bug ingame or im making a mistake here :) help appreciated


    and sorry if this isnt the right place to post this

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