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Posts posted by Gnaark

  1. 9 minutes ago, DaWolfie said:

    just extract everything in the zip file and paste all the folders inside the patch folder to game folder

    Oh that was it ! I didn't patch it correctly, thanks for the quick answers and sorry for the inconvenience ! <3

  2. 8 minutes ago, ArcBolt27 said:

    i assume you have updated to the most recent version yes? judging by your post im assuming not as this was fixed in one of the 2 updates that have come out since v13's release

    I did download the patch but I think I might have extracted it to the wrong location, where is it suppused to be exactly ?


  3. 1 minute ago, ArcBolt27 said:

    i assume you have updated to the most recent version yes? judging by your post im assuming not as this was fixed in one of the 2 updates that have come out since v13's release

    I thought I did but maybe I didn't do it correctly

    I'll check that, thanks !


  4. I don't know if this is supposed to happen but I don't gain money after battles, my only source of income is to complete quests but it feels a bit to complicated. Is this a bug or is this intended ?

  5. 19 hours ago, BRS swag said:

    insert your Game.rxdata file in a new post or just edit your previous post, go to "choose files"

    and follow this: You can find your save file in C:/Users/Username/Saved Games/Pokemon Rejuvenation/Game.rxdata

    for the freeze after the puppet masters fight


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