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Posts posted by vj7890

  1. Just now, BRS swag said:

    Man, am I exhausted in this !@#$#%^&*() desert. 

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    Someone help me with the slippery sandy stairs ahead in sugiline cave



    there are certain holes that will lead you to arceus like statues. press them (i had to press two) and the stairs will become normal stairs. sorry forgot which holes exactly


  2. Just now, seki108 said:

    I can give you one.  You can keep the Trapinch, since I already have two.  Just trade me a throwaway mon.


    Eh, thanks! But I'll still give you that, I've one more anyway. 


    Online username: vj7890


    I'll just hang around in Online Play, waiting for a trade request. 

  3. Hi all, understand that by forum rules it is one thread per person, so despite the title I am (currently) only looking for one Pokemon (sorry if I misled anyone!):


    -Axew (Female)


    Ideally with some good IVs, but not a priority. Just need one so I can breed them myself.


    Can offer 5 IV (except for sp.def) shiny lonely Trapinch (Female).


    Thanks in advance!


    (Will return and edit when necessary)

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