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Posts posted by bigsantaman22

  1. Gotcha, 


    Thanks for the reply, 


    I just checked the weather on one of the TVs in game, and apparently I was wrong about it being clear, cause it says the weather currently is really hot. So I'm guessing that she wouldn't want to be seating outside on a really hot day sweating like crazy, maybe?




    I just changed the date to a day where the weather is supposed to actually be forecasted to be clear and she's sitting there.


    My bad :P 

  2. Hey,


    I've used to the search feature on the forum, but i couldn't find someone else with the same problem, although I may be wrong and searched for something wrong. So I found the lady in Spinel Town, and gave her the medicine from the pokemart after she disappeared off to the forest and broke her foot. After she walks off, I tried to look for her in front of the pokecenter again, but she's not there. Are there certain requirements for me to meet her again; because its clear weather in the town, and she's still not in the front of the pokecenter. 


    Thanks in advance for any help I get.


    Oh and I bought the medicine again after helping her, because I remembered that there was a house near the entrance to Lapis Ward, that had a couple. The guy was sick, and the girl was talking about getting some medicine to help him out. So, when I came back with the medicine to give it to her, she's not there, and it looks like the guy is doing well, cause the text says he's sleeping. The only reason why I bring this up is because I'm wondering if buying the medicine again glitched out the Spinel Town lady.

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