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Posts posted by Allvenia

  1. Hi guys!
    So, after walking about the milion time around Opal Bridge, those two beauties finally hatch. My cream the la cream of my breeding program. Because of this game I kind of got addicted to breeding, and because Florinia rape me on my first attempt. xD

    But I'm not here to brag about them. Actually, I need some help. Soon I'm gonna take on Shade again, after constantly beeing invited on rape train. //There are no breaks on rape train you know?//
    So, I have some questions and need some answers.
    1. If we are permitted to choose starter from I-VI generation of pokemons, then I assume that movesets are from VI gen. True or false?
    2. Is there anyone who have the full list of TM/HM that you can acquire here? And if yes, can you show it to me?
    3. There is alot pokemon that we can catch. But some of the like Gastly are not. My question is: since I catch anything I can, which are the best to improve via breeding proces and add to team.
    All answers will be appreciated. Have a nice day and a cupcake :)


    PS:Yes, some of the shinies in my game are re-coloured by me, after asking Ame if I can do this.



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