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RLDR Penelope

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Posts posted by RLDR Penelope

  1. 5 minutes ago, RLDR Duncan said:

    Why ahr yew takin me fohr some sorta drongo noew jus cus I'm diffrent? That ain't very noice uv yah. Less you di'int read, whot I'd said. I thawt abowt bein a detective when I was a yung'un, but I haed ta folloew me otha dreams.

    ...Let's just go before you irritate someone else, or else I'll drag you by the ear myself.

  2. 3 minutes ago, RLDR Duncan said:

    Ey, Lissen 'ere shelia, I jus up n' thawt I'd help tha pohr gurl. She's been wuhrkhin so hard with ol these reveals, inclewdin yew I moit add. I thawt "This sheila needs a break". Noew, tell me. Is that so wrawng?

    It's all fine that you'd like to help them, but when you're deliberately sabotaging their posts, it isn't exactly helping so much as it is a nuisance. I apologize for using all of these "big words" on you though, since your spelling is probably as wide as your vocabulary.  

    Now please, be a dear and go back to being a leader instead of what you call a "writer" by your terms.

  3. 8 minutes ago, RLDR Duncan said:



    G'DAY EVRYONE, MOI NAME'S DUNCAN N' THIS'ERE IS MOI KREWKUHDOIL. I 'ave lotsa hobbies inclewdin diggin', archeoligy, invadin' personul spayces, and breakin tha fouhth woll. Noew on ta tha mohr seerius stuff. I used ta be a shy lad, but after I left me oldies' flat, I cayme out uv me shell, n' now these blokes I call me cobbers can't get rid of me. Woil my primary focus is in archeoligy, I olso enjoyed detective wurk as yung'un as well. OH n' befohr yew go n' insult moi choice in "vernacular" and "vocabulary" thehr's an app foer that.




    N' noew for stoory toim.

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    I was on tha playground wan day, hangin owt with sahm friends aftah school and wotchin them as they begann ta play baskitboll. I uve corse had no intrest in this sort of thing, so I noticed a wee patch uv dirt ovah neah tha cohrnah of the grounddy. Moy friend then came ovah to ahproach me, as if he wonted me ta join em.

    Friend: " Hey, wanna play some hoops?"

    He said grinning like a shot fox, as I then proseeded to dig arownd in tha grownd for rawks, hopin' ta foind a magnificent piece to take back to me flat. Then I looked baeck at him, smoiled, end picked up a euge rawk that olmost looked loik Quartz. I picked it ahp and showed him slowly.

    Duncan: "Ya see this 'ere? This is tha sort of thing I live fohr. I doen't know why, but these have olways intreeged me."

    My friend looked at me loik I was sum sorta drongo, end he wasn't even shore what it was. I hended it to'im as he begann to shuffle it 'round in his hands and looked at it curiusly as if he wonted to lehrn a little mohre abowt it.

    Friend: "So, what is it? And why is it stopping you from playing with us again?"

    I glaired at him, mad as a cut snake, as if I olmost wanted to knawk his jimmies awf. How cud he not know wot this is? This magniffy gem of a find, no pun intended uv'corse, cud be the vehry thing we oll need in owah loives. I begann to think to moyself and reelized that I needed to simmah dohwn. I then turned ta him and looked him in the oiye as I put moy hand on his shouldah.

    Duncan: "Ya see, friend, thehr's a reasin I can't play with any uv you roit now, and I'm very soary for thaet."

    He di'int undahstaend, he looked at me ol stonkered like...

    Friend: "Why is that?"

    I di'int ushly think this way, but I just had to tell 'im...

    Duncan: "Quartz before Courtz."



    I don't suppose there is any particular reason you're being ridiculous and stealing this poor woman's job, is there?

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