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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Youmu9

  1. I don't really care if they reused the models or not and if this means we'll be getting more Pokemon games even faster then i'm fine with it. Swsh is a good Pokemon game, imo.  This franchise has never really been about graphics so I don't know why it's such a hot topic now. As long as the Pokemon designs and music are still good, i'll keep buying and loving these games. That's all I need to say.

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  2. Look, i'm not saying you're not allowed to be negative or anything but this negativity just puts the people who are still excited for the game in a foul mood. Just asking if you could lay off it or just make another topic about it, that's all. 


    Anyway, I like all the new Pokemon but Duraludon is my personal favorite so far. A great typing and it looks like it will have a decent speed stat with how it's weight is looking. Can't wait for new stuff and I hope we get some starter evolutions soon!

  3. 2 hours ago, Eagleby18 said:

    Literally just Slurpuff again.  Is this why they deleted half the Pokemon?  So they could just make half the Pokemon over again and hope no one notices?  Well fuck that.  Slurpuff is my man and this means he probably didn't make the cut.

    Can you please stop with the negativity? People have already voiced their concerns with TPC's decisions. Let's just drop it now and focus on the new content that has been posted. 

  4. 15 minutes ago, Autumn Zephyr said:

    It is worth noting that the BW2 character went by both 'Yancy' and 'Nancy', depending the situation- either one could be used and still imply that it's her. With what we currently know, we have no proof one way or the other that it's the same character or not.

    Actually, Nancy is her stage name. Her real name is Yancy. It's the same for the male counterpart, Curtis-Christoph. I don't think the Rejuv Nancy and the one from the official games are the same since this one isn't even a real person and just a doll. She was probably created with the real one's likeness in mind though.

  5. 6 hours ago, Des Teto said:

    As a novice competitive player who like to watch some competitive stuff sometimes, I can say that the competitive future is incertain. According to some players, it can turn out very good or very bad. I have listed some potential consequences of this decision:

    • We can assume that legendaries and pseudo-legendaries, being part of the region where they come from, will be not available anymore. For instance, we could say goodbye to the Tapus and the Ultra-Beasts native in Alola. Plus, in Gen 7, we had an event every two months for a new legendary available. I guess it won't be the case anymore. There are currently 20 legendaries out fo 50 pokemons in the OU metagame. This will induce changes if some of them are left out. Even the Uber tier may not exist anymore.
    • Breeding options may change. Some moves may not be available anymore.
    • The new mechanic Dynamax seems too brutal from what has been shown so far (discount Z-moves and boost in stats, at least in HP). Being able to sweep for 3-turns without setting up will enforce taking counter-measures such as a defensive Dynamax (hello Toxapex), moves like Substitute, Fake Out, Protect ... abilities like Prankster and Sturdy … items like Red Card and Focus Sash … It doesn't look healthy! But again, we don't know yet how this mechanic will work.

    In conclusion, the competitive stage is a big box to be shaken. And what will come out could be tasty or disgusting.


    I don't understand how any of these things are bad. Legendaries and Megas/Z-moves are horribly unbalanced. Honestly, i'm glad they are gone. That means people will use other Pokemon instead of all 4 Tapus, an Ultra Beast, and the obligatory Mega. Also, I don't see how a temporary 3 turn power boost that any Pokemon can use is even close to how broken a permanent one that belongs to only a select few or a one shot move that can come out of nowhere. 

  6. Victoria tells us she would get the badge and machine from Kiki just before this line. I think it's safe to assume she meant the badge would be invalidated regardless of when we get it should the gymleader pass away.

  7. 15 hours ago, Candy said:

    No, badges are only invalidated if the gym leader passed away before the badge was physically given to the MC. Corey and Kiki died after battling us but before they gave us their badges, any other leader who passed away after we got their badges will have to be replaced but we still have valid badges.

    This kinda contradicts that.


  8. Don't blame your comp, blame rpg maker. Pokemon Essentials uses a really outdated version of rpg maker and Reborn being as big as it is doesn't help with that. The lag probably won't go away no matter what you do.

  9. 1 hour ago, loricogno said:

    In one of the first scenes in the game we see somebody being tortured. Every time I'm facing a grunt or a thug they just talk shit in front of my face with no pokemon left and I can't do shit ? Every other character treats you like shit and you just have to take it. Let me burn some grunts alive at least. The world is dark and I'm a fucking saint wtf ?

    The guys I beat just walk away like nothing happened. At least make them run smh.


    Aside from that great game.


    A good example of this is the first Solaris fight. If the PC defeats his Garchomp, nothing substantial changes. The Garchomp is seen running around like nothing happened a few seconds later. It would have been a better pay-off if the Pokemon fainted and caused it's trainer to become a bit flustered. But I guess that would be too big of a change from the original script.


    As for the other points you made, I agree. It would be nice to have a choice on whether a grunt lives or dies but it seems Reborn isn't that type of game.

  10. 53 minutes ago, not Azery said:

    Late but Radomus stole all of the keys from Meteor in the beginning and kept Amethyst for himself and his Wife.


    Also Solaris only really started going after people after they interferred too many times, dude gives you a pretty big warning to back off twice before he goes after you.

    Are you seriously trying to justify the actions of these terrorists? Solaris is a horrible person who thinks the only solution to a problem is murdering a bunch of people. I could think of a ton of ways he could have preserved his family's holy ground without the need to rush to senseless violence. But he's a villain so I guess he has to be insane.

  11. 35 minutes ago, Abyssreaper99 said:

    Simple, a lot of people wouldn't come back just for post-game material. Many people just care about kicking Lin's ass and becoming the champion/finishing the story.

    That doesn't seem like a negative. Reborn's already 5x longer than a regular Pokemon game. I don't think it need an incredibly large post-game over that.

  12. 24 minutes ago, Hakimblue99 said:

    Err...sorry for sounding dumb but where exactly is this tower in v11? Because I can't recall finding this tower. Either that or I haven't explored enough...

    I'm pretty sure it's that tower on the outskirts of Goldenleaf Town but redone. You know, where you do that sidequest with Narcissa? I could be wrong though. It looks a lot different.

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  13. I don't know. The MC doesn't really have a personality since silent protagonist😑. So, it'd be hard to match a legendary/mythical for them. Wouldn't it be a bit op having one that early too? I wouldn't want a starter if I had one of those Pokemon to choose from. I guess i'd give the MC a bad legend like one of the Regi's or something...

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