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Orange Juice

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Posts posted by Orange Juice

  1. 2 minutes ago, Nico_Robin said:

    Just released a bunch of 5iv torchics into the wonder trade :) 

    Hopefully whoever receives them uses them well 

    also shoutout to those who released shinies into wonder trade :) 

    got 4 shinies the last hour xD 

  2. Just wondering if anyone is willing to trade any level clauncher or clawtizer for this shiny neat little thing

    (reply to me so i will be online for trade)  EDIT: some one offered me clawtizer so thanks to him


  3. 2 minutes ago, Lostelle said:


    PBS Files basically have all the information for the game, like trainer data, event data, you get the point.


    Also, unless someone who has them wants to share them, I don't believe they are technically public.

    there was a pbs file shared but its very outdated like 14.1

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