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Posts posted by Astrorious

  1. Spoiler

    Name: Tenmetsu Suru
    Age: 244164326400 ticks (about 19 years)
    Gender: Female
    Sex: Female
    Race: Enderman
    Appearance: Tenmetsu is a 3meter(9.84252 foot) tall woman, but very thin for her height, as she is an Enderman after all. she often caries a magenta concrete powder block with her wherever she goes. (for an idea... this but more feminine https://orig00.deviantart.net/92e4/f/2015/097/9/6/enderman_redesign_male_by_twosidedviolet-d8ottv9.png)
    Personality: Tenmetsu is a quiet individual, as he cannot speak for reason of lacking a human-like voicebox, and thus makes enderman sounds instead, and conveys her points through diaramas, and body language.
    She keeps to the shadows, and avoids water, eye contact, and social interaction; save for those she likes.
    Merit: 0
    HP: 30
    Moves: 5/x
    Essence: 1
    Constitution: 5
    Dexterity: 5
    Intelligence: 1
    Resistance: 3
    Strength: 2
    Synergy: 5
     Enderman Strength: Enderman are known to be the only other being other than the player to be able to physically pick up a block... +1*MERIT STR
     Enderman Teleport: 1 free action for teleport
     Enderman Teleport2: 1 free action slot for teleport
     Enderman Teleport Flaw: Enderman Teleports have the chance to spawn Endermites... these are 1HP enemies with 1STR and Tnmetsu cannot ignore them.


     Teleport: teleport to a more advantagous position in order to attack, thus giving +2STR this turn. free action. first strike for next action. once per turn.
     Enderbite: Enderman have big teeth, and thus have a mean bite. 1d6+STR damage.
     Teleporting strike: teleport forward, and slam the enemy quickly for 1d4+DEX, and teleport back to previous position. 2 turn cooldown. (counts as teleport without free action, first strike, or +3 strength)

     Enderdoge: Dodges all attacks for a reduction in damage by 1d6+DEX. 2 turn cooldown. (counts as teleport)

     Telporting slam: Teleports enemy into the air, then uses teleport to slam them into the ground for 2d3+SYN+DEX.  Once per Encounter cooldown. (counts as teleport without free action, first strike, or +3 strength)

      Magenta Concrete Powder
      Block Toss(ability): throw 1mx1mx1m blocks of material for 1d2+DEX

    Note: everything mentioning teleport means it is a teleport and thus uses teleport to work (meaning, if I teleport this turn, I won't be able to use one of those this turn if I can only use one teleport per turn)


  2. Vora sat on the floor of one of the servant quarters, working to hack into her own computer. she had a bit of experience with allowing her device to work offline, but that usually only worked if the device was already on and logged in. Finally after trying many times to log into the device offline, Vora was looking at the holographic screen she had been waiting for:




    Booting your device in this mode may cause problems.
    [YES]              [NO]

    after selecting 'Yes' the device goes dark, then brings up the user interface.

    "Wonderful, now, how many program on this damn thing still work?"

    After a few minuets of searching, she found all the programs that still worked, and put shortcuts to them in a folder so they were easier to find next time.

  3. A familiar blackness surrounds Gary once again. The beings are talking about him again.

    "I believe he is going to live."

    "Then why is he still asleep?"

    "He is in pain."

    "If only he knew the secrets of ^$*(@"

    "You know he can't understand ^$*(@, right?"

    "Not for now."

    There is a pause when the both actively notice that Gary is able to intrude on this conversation.

    "Wake up."

    Gary awakes and finds the battle is over.

    "... what is with these dreams?..."

    Gary heads back through the portal

    after reaching the other side of the portal, Gary walks off into the forest a short distance, and begins to obtain resource for later

    Gary attempts to break tall grass (Seeds, maybe Minicio?).

    Gary attempts to cut down several trees (wood, saplings, maybe apples?).

    Gary attempts to mine (Cobblestone, Granite, Diorite, Andisite, Coal, maybe Iron, maybe Gold?)

  4. after witnessing the end of the fight in the engine room, Vora decided to look at the engines to see how they worked. After a time, she was able to roughly understand the combustion engine that powered the tracks, but she still could not understand the rest of it. She shrugged as she walked out of the room toward the smithy and servants quarters, still looking for a shower if she can find one.

    Engine Room >> Servants Quarters 

  5. not sure if it will ever be used, but a third character I have been working on

    Cherished Heart:


    Name: Cherished Heart
    Age: young-ish (probably late teens early 20’s)
    Gender: F
    Race: Earth Pony
    Sex: F






    Cherished Heart is a nurse in Stable 2. she has lived her whole life in the sable, and was expecting to live out the rest of her days in the stable. As luck would have it, that didn't happen (obviously). She is a kind and gentle mare who will help just about anyone who needs it... that is if they don't try to kill her. She is easily spooked, and often will sit alone listening to the music of Velvet Remedy, Stable 2's best song writer.

    Level: 3
    EXP: 200

    HP: 72
    Init: 0

    Stats: 22
    Constitution: 11
    Resistance: 0
    Dexterity: 0 (+4)
    Intelligence: 0 
    Strength: 0 (+4)
    Synergy: 11



    Name: Nurses 'Uniform' (its just a hat)
    Description: A hat worn by all Nurses in Stable 2's Hospital. it’s completely white with a red cross on it.
    Type: Armor
    Minimum Stats: 2 SYN
    Weight: 1
    Increases healing done by Cherished Heart by +(CON/SYN)

    Name: Saddlebags
    Description: Two saddlebags, white in color with a red cross on each side.
    Type: Bauble
    Minimum Stats: 2 SYN, 2 STR
    Weight: 3
    Increases healing done by Cherished Heart by +(SYN/2)

    Name: Pip-Buck
    Description: ponified pipboy.
    Type: Armor
    Armor: 1
    Minimum Stats: 2 SYN, 1 STR
    Weight: 1
    +lvl DEX

    Name: horse shoes
    Description: iron horse shoes. not sharp, just blunt metal objects on the bottom of her feet.
    Type: Weapon
    Damage: 2d4 + STR
    Weight: 2
    Minimum Stats: 1 STR.

    Magical Regen: Cheri's natural magic heals her 10% HP per turn
    Equestrian Magic: Equestrian Magic is powerful. Cerished Heart's effective level is 1.3x current level (rounded up). 
    Earthpony strength: Carry's strength is that of an earthpony. +1*lvl STR
    Scared: Cheri's fear of scary things forces her to have the lowest INIT and not be able to use an attack in her first turn of battle.

    Basic attack: Bucking target in the face for weapon damage
    Basic Defense: blocks 50% of damage
    Healing Touch (Action): Heals target 1d4 + CON. 2 turn cooldown.
     -lvl2: 1 turn cooldown.
    Magic Healing Touch: Heals target 1d4 + SYN. 2 turn cooldown.
     -lvl2: 1 turn cooldown.
    Great and Powerful Healing!: Target is healed (2d4+CON+SYN). 5 turn cooldown.
    Eyes Forward Sparkle: "Eyes Forward Sparkle alters the sight of the PipBuck users which, when activated, changes the perception of nearby living creatures." ~Fallout: Equestria Wiki. Cheri does a Basic Attack with a 20% critical chance. Two turn cooldown to allow the EFS to recharge.

     - Various Medical Supplies.
     - PipBuck
     - a second hat, just in case
     - A picture of her as a filly with her family in Stable 2.
     - Two bottle caps. She is unsure where they came from...


  6. Vora, not noticing anything else about the throne other than a wood panel with a single switch on it duct-taped to it, sits down, and tries to decipher what each control and screen does. after a few moments, she gets up and walks out of the room and hears sounds coming from the Engine room, and runs toward it. ((she cannot read English.))

    Throne room >> Engine Room

  7. Vora watched Ghost leave, and sat down; her shoulders now shuddering slightly as she was alone, and didn't need to keep her facade up. "I knew that bastard was evil, but who the hell just destroys the home of several billion people because the sick bastard needs to test a weapon? He already knew it worked!... the people of DM7 should not have had to die for that... even if he wanted a war, why would he attack the most helpless in our solar system? The DM7 Colonists should not have had to die... in fact, what about DM7 would make it the target of such an attack? Scare everyone into surrendering? Attempt to pit the entire solar system against the Izerics? the plan didn't even make sense..." Vora got up, a few tears finally streaming down her face. "I need to figure that out, but probably another time... there are more important things I should look into concerning my current situation... I can worry about my former home later"

    Vora wiped the tears from her face as she walked out of the room 

    Ballroom >> Throne Room

    Vora walked to the ballroom, remembering the throne having a control panel. she walked up to it. Vora decides to walk around it, trying to make sense of what the chair was used for other than just a throne. she realized that this must be the pilot seat of the entire castle...

    Look at the chair and attempt to find anything unusual about it

  8. Vora's expression turned to worry as she realized her mistake. "Forgive me. I didn't know... I was going on the information I had and her actions... though, I probably missed something... I am also attached to my home universe, and I am sure I will lose my shit here soon when it finally sinks in that my former home is gone due to the grievous actions of a war-crazed dictator who we have been trying to keep our eyes on... I think I might have been taking it out on those around me... again, sorry."

    Vora looked up, her expression now sad, but not quite crying, "I-Im sorry. things have been difficult for me, and I am sure they have been for you too... I have learned to distance myself from locations I live, but that was difficult where I was due to the people I met during my time there. now they are all dead and my attempt to suppress feelings might have led to me thinking less of those around me when I ended up here," Vora looked back down again, and again struggling to keep herself from losing it, "I-I understand that you are hurting because those you care about are in danger. I wan't to help in any way I can... I h-heard that this ship m-might have a way to get to any universe..." Vora closed her eyes took a deep breath, "and if we are indeed trying to get stronger by helping worlds in turmoil, then maybe we can go to your world and help your people... not a guarantee, but its a possibility."

  9. Vora looked at the woman stunned. She was now trying to comprehend why the muliverse had chosen this being. one who had no care in the world about the mission at had, but was more concerned with her own universes petty problems to worry about the fate of all reality. "That is greed. I guess I misjudged what the greed was toward, but I did get that part right. Your selfish thoughts are the problem. Rather than trying to do this job correctly and becoming at least somewhat attached to the cause, you want to do it swiftly and without actually taking the time to get to know those around you and how they can work as a team even without a leader. You would rather go back home and deal with the small problem of your peoples than deal with the fate of reality. I first thought that too; however, the more I look at it, the more I realize that staying here and fighting for this gives the people of my universe the best chance of never having to face these 'trespassers'. If you want to help your people, then staying here and helping rather than rushing seems like the best option."

    Vora let out a sigh, "I'm sorry that things in your universe are not going well, but with any luck, we can get you back before things get too bad... Also, give Aurora some credit. She not only saved your life but she has also been here longer than either of us and seems to know a lot more about who everyone is and what is going on..."

    Vora paused to think, "... well, apparently you have never met the leader of the Izerics. He got to power by demanding it, then started bullying everyone around him into submission. when I was taken from my universe, I had just escaped an attack against a peaceful moon by the bastard. in fact, he decided to destroy the entire thing just because he could." She paused again to collect herself, obviously having trouble keeping it together remembering the friends she was sure were now dead, "So... I was wrong, but you can see how I might have assumed that you wanted power over the group..."

  10. "..." Vora stood there a moment before seaking out Ghost to relay the message. 

    Grand Hall >> Ballroom

    Vora approached the white woman just as she finished talking to... herself again...

    "You should learn not to make big scary things angry... they tend to make threats they can follow through on," Vora began, "Aurora threatened to tear you limb from limb if you attack her again, so I would steer clear of her for a while... that and maybe tone down the whole 'I can lead everyone here to victory' thing. I don't trust you that much yet, nor do I think I ever will. That attitude makes me think you are hungry for power; something that from experience leads to nothing but destruction of innocent lives around you."

  11. Vora nodded, "I understand where you are coming from with that, but I would also like to advise not killing anyone that is in this team... there are not many of us to begin with... however, I do feel that she needs to learn her place. See us as at least equals to herself; and based on what she said, we need to remind her somehow that she is not the leader here. She may have been where she came from, but not here, and not under these conditions;" Vora looked down at her feet, then back up, "I understand your frustration; But at the same time, we have to coexist with everything here. Its easier for me because of where I lived before, but at the same time, it doesn't make what she did right. I will talk with her, but please don't kill her. If she continues, it might be beneficial to make a brig of some kind..."

  12. Just before Vora could answer the creatures question, Mar entered. She nodded at him, and let the creature finish explaining before he got on with her answer to her.

    "I doubt she will be able to shape everyone up... if they are all as different as you say. In fact, I am starting to think that it might be a good idea not to have a clear leader... that way we are not bound to one person... being bound to one person like that is a death sentence for a cause of this kind... I don't believe I have your name... Ghost called you 'Spider' but the way she said it makes me think that she did so out of spite."

  13. Vora stood there for a second to comprehend what had been said. She looked back up at the creature on the ceiling. "Again, seems a bit too convenient, but I can accept it based on other observations I have made... So what problem are we solving on this world? I would like to get on with it if we can, and if its finished, when do we leave for the next?"

  14. Outside

    "Hmm..." Vora's mind was trying to understand what had just been said by Mar. Apparently, it wasn't a 'warp engine' but rather, a more theoretical engine; a fully functional extra-dimensional drive... something she knew that would make Hygerian scientists very excited.

    "So, you are telling me that all of reality is sentient to some extent and is just ripping beings out of their universes and to more of the same to save itself?... seems a bit far-fetched, but its more than what Andre had given... in fact, he even called your castles engines a 'warp drive'... quite an inaccurate description. I am no scientist, but I know enough about my universe's tech to know the difference between a warp drive and a theoretical extra-dimensional drive... anyway, thanks for filling me in. I would offer to help, but I fear I would get in the way, my eye sight out here is not exactly the best."

    Outside >> Grand Hall

    Vora made her way back inside, and started toward Ghost. 

    "Well, this is kind of strange," she explained," but I am sure its not the first strange thing you have heard today... turns out we are in another universe, not just another world as I had originally thought. None of them appear to be form this place either."

    She continued, "This castle apparently is also space-fairing and has fantastical and what should only be theoretical engines on board that allow it to go between universes..."

    Vora chuckled, "Apparently the collection of all universes in reality are being attacked by something and we are here to save it all... kind far fetched, but that's all Mar had to say."

  15. Grand Hall

    Vora also winced at the light from outside.

    "So, you don't like bright light either? looks like you and I are not that different."

    Vora put two fingers on her temple, and her eyes went dark. "I can't see well like this, but at least I can go outside without burning my eyes." 

    "Lets go talk to that one... Mar, right? maybe, as she said, he will be able to give a better outline of what exactly this place is, what is going on, and how the hell I got here."

    Grand Hall >> Outside

    "So, I have asked Andre before, but I figured I could get a clearer answer from you... what is this place, how did I get here, and why am I here?" Vora questioned Mar as he sorted through the rusted metal.

  16. Vora looked at Ghost in amazement. "huh... would have never guessed that she would not have known what a shower was... how primitive was the world she came from? And does the outside of this thing really look that bad?"

    "I don't exactly need one, but I would like it if I didn't smell so bad... that and It would probably help calm my nerves a bit after what has happened to me today. I had figured that they wouldn't but you can never be too sure."

    she looked over and saw that Andre guy waving at her.

    "ugh, not this guy again."

  17. Darnkess was all consuming, and cold... then, without warning, it wasn't. the cold had shifted to a warmer feeling; the room somehow remaining black. 

    "Do you think he is aware of where he is?"


    "Oh, I feel he is realizing we are here..."

    "It is time for you to awake, Gary_S_Modd."

    with that the dream ended, and Gary's eyes popped open.

    "What was with tha- AHHH!" Gary called out in pain, "sorry... just... ah... never felt anything like this that lasted this long..."

    he looked down toward his leg, and stared at it for a good second.

    "umm... I don't think that's the direction my leg is suppose to bend..."

  18. "You would be right about that, these military dress uniforms are meant for either desk work or celebrations," Vora pondered only for a moment "I am still not exactly sure how I ended up here, all I know is that I did. just before I found myself here, my ship was about the become a pancake from the pressure of a gas giant's atmosphere. seconds later, I fell onto the stone floor of this place and passed out..."

    "And how about you? From the sounds of it you aren't from here either..." Vora thought for a moment, "Come to think of it, none of the rest of you appear to be..."

  19. Vora tuned to the chatter at the other end of the hall. 

    "I could ask the same thing," Vora replied to the question though she new it was not directed at her, "I mean, compared to me, you are also quite strange."

    Vora made her way toward the white being, "To answer your Question, I am Vora. My speicies is called a Vampeirn."

  20. Noble Quarters

    Vora, sleepy, walked from the Entrance Hall to the Noble quarters, found a empty room, and fell asleep. 

    <skipping back to current time>

    Vora awoke and stretched. though she had not gotten much sleep, it was enough for the moment.

    "Wonder if there is a shower in this pace... probably not based on its old-style design. haven't seen anything designed like this since visiting the ruins on Dangioa when I was little." Vora thought out loud as she picked herself up and left the room in search of a shower that probably didn't exist.

    Nobel Quarters -> (anywhere someone wants to talk to me)

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