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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Posts posted by pikafan96

  1. You weren't supposed to mention the mouse coliseum! It's not open to the public yet!

    Anyway, it's always a blast seeing Karen again!

    It's a shame she has now technically stolen two Mega Rings from you, but I'm sure you'll get one someday...


    Who says you have to wait until the apocalypse to put spikes on your car? I say if you can put enough spikes on your car then you're the one that gets to make the rules!


    I forgot about the infinite nuggets. Why did you have to remind me about the infinite nuggets?

    Now my faith in humanity has been lost again.


    I... I don't remember the giant floor Unown, or the forced marriage to Karen. In fact I don't really remember any of this from back when I played through this part of Rejuvenation...

    I think my brain might have blocked this part of my memory to try and protect me...

  2. You're alive? That's fantastic!

    Who else was I gonna watch suffer for my entertainment?


    Shame you lost a Pokemon during your return to the run, but at least it wasn't anyone important.

    RIP Roll, you were... an HM slave.


    Reading people's diaries is just inevitable, you should honestly just embrace it at this point.


    What a perfect re-introduction back to Rejuvenation! Nothing like a robot tossing you out of a window onto the cold unforgiving ground to welcome you home 😄

    In all seriousness though it's great to have you back. I'm glad you're doing better!

  3. Aw, poor Coyote...

    Taken out by an opera-singing mermaid-seal is not a flattering way to go...


    Congratulations on 30 dead Pokemon 🎉

    Your reward is clinical depression 🙂


    Good, you got the jaw fossil.

    I like Tyrantrum better than Aurorus too. The only reason I took the sail fossil in my run was because I needed an ice type and I was curious to see if Aurorus were any good.

    Also, I already had a dragon type on my team and didn't want to double up on types...


    Ah, Karen.

    Always a pleasure to see her and absolutely terrifying mannerisms.

    One of these days she's just going to snap and run off with your kidneys...

  4. Aw... poor Damocles. Rest in piece you beautiful piece of sentient clay 😔

    Shame that we'll never be able to hear his wise words of wisdom again.


    Hey! I like Eelektross!

    Even if they did give it the short end of the stick when they were designing idle animations for the 3D models.

    I mean just look at it...





    Oh boy Angie's back and angrier than ever.

    At least you'll get another chance to try and thaw her frozen heart 😉

  5. To be fair, I remember Defog because I just completely refused to teach it to any of my Pokemon back in the day.

    So I was forced to wade through a barely visible route full of trainers while dealing with an accuracy debuff.

    So yeah, I remember Defog.


    If Melia considers that Garbodor her hero for defeating one Rift Pokemon, you should be her god by now.

    I mean, how many of those things have you defeated in comparison to that overgrown sludge bag?


    Also R.I.P Bombardier, he went out with a bang 😔

  6. Um... you might want to make sure that you didn't pick up any strange diseases after all those Sludge Waves...

    It's one thing for a Pokemon to be hit by those things because they have better health care than humans, but I don't think people were made to be inhaling toxic sludge...


    OF COURSE the Garbodor is after Melia! Who doesn't want her for one reason or another in this game?

    Also don't worry about forgetting about meeting this Garbodor before. When I got to this part of the game initially I had completely forgotten about it as well.


    Don't you think it's a little rude to be so mean to this hideous abomination of a Garbodor.

    I mean it may be a disgusting monster, but it still has feelings!

    And it's a hero too! (According to Melia at least...)

  7. I mean... I thought the destruction of Kakori Village was pretty cathartic myself.

    But I'm not really a big fan of that section of Rejuvenation so my opinion might be biased.


    I actually really like your theory involving Karrina basically stalling for time, it adds a bit of depth to the story in my humble opinion.

    And of course Nadine's in on it. Why else would she be so paranoid about those flowers?


    Also I really like all those edited photos you did, especially that third wheel one. It was very accurate.

    I just feel like they add a certain charm to the story 😁

  8. Hey, welcome back!

    I was honestly worried that this run was dead for a while! Glad to see you prove me wrong 😃


    Veronica just makes herself more unlikable as time goes on.

    I mean she can't even give a boy a few minutes to mourn his dead dragon.

    That's just heartless.


    Maybe Madame X just didn't appreciate you reading her diary.

    Don't you know that really bad things happen when you read other people's diaries!

  9. You know this whole thing would have been solved already if that police officer would have just said something along the lines of "That Pokemon offered me infinite nuggets to destroy your house!"


    Then again, that sounds so ridiculous I'm not sure that anyone would believe it...


    Aw, Veronica is trying to use her big girl words... and create smoke from smokeless attacks!

    Poor, silly Veronica. That's not how things work!


    When you tell Melia about Kanon's... incident, just tell her that he ran away.

    That's how my mom used to get out of telling me that a pet died when I was a kid!

  10. Aw man, having a noir theme for the past would have been really cool...

    But gen 3 isn't a bad design choice either, although I might be biased since it is my favorite generation.


    You know, with how stupid people are in this region that box trap might have actually worked.

    I mean, a bunch of cops got fooled by a Pokemon promising them infinite nuggets.

    We're not exactly dealing with any geniuses here.

  11. I'm gonna be honest here, when I first saw that Gardevoir I thought it was a Zoroark.

    I mean come on, the dark body and the red "hair", if you're not really paying attention it really resembles a Zoroark!


    Pretty interesting theory with Maria becoming Madame X.

    Oh! Maybe Maria becomes Madame X then has a daughter named Melia, and that's why Team Xen wanted her so badly in the beginning of the game!

    I mean with all the parent-child conflict in the game it sort of makes a little bit of sense... right?

    But that's just a theory, a Pokemon Rejuvenation theory!


    The police of the Pokemon world should just retire.

    Don't they know that 10 year old kids do their job much better than them?

  12. What was that? Was that the sound of you admitting that you think Melia is cute?



    Oh yeah I forgot about that Sinnoh myth! Pokemon can be pretty brutal...

    You ever hear about the one about Pokemon and humans getting married in the past?

    Wacky stuff man, wacky stuff.


    Looks like it's time for Sean and Veronica to go on another crazy cult adventure!

    Best of luck to you 🙂

  13. God, this nuzlocke has been going on for three years?

    Time flies by when you're having fun I guess.


    I forgot that Melia was actually a bit more tolerable back in the beginning.

    Shame she had to go full Mary-sue, you never want to go full Mary-sue.


    Maybe the soul stone only likes human souls?

    That could explain why it doesn't have the souls of any of your fallen Pokemon 🤔

  14. Ah joy, another member of the Melia cult.

    I have a feeling that you're going to have a lot of fun with Kanon 🙂


    Wait a minute... if you catch a Pokemon from the past will that effect the future?

    What if Itsy Bitsy had a family!? Now when you go back to your time you might have a group of angry Surskit orphans after you!


    I really dislike the names "Spacea" and "Tiempa".

    Every time I have to read them it feels like my brain is trying to do a back-flip.

  15. Wow, I think Amber might have become the most likable person on that island.

    Shame we won't be seeing her for awhile... if at all.


    It must be nice having a Growlithe that can go supernova.

    At least Kakori shouldn't be able to bounce back, since Charcoal seems to be able to harness the power of the sun and all.


    Ah, good old fashioned time travel!

    I wonder what kind of kooky adventures you'll get to go on now 😁



    Is it bad that I kind of wanna see that Texen spin-off?

  16. What a nice relaxing chapter. No Melia and you got to throw Texen out of the party!

    I mean... you did lose two of your Pokemon, but at least they weren't anyone all that important.


    Ah, Mass Effect.

    I see that you are a man of culture.


    It looks like we'll finally be leaving Terajuma pretty soon.

    It'll be nice to finally leave the place that has destroyed so much of your life and sanity!

    I'm sure nothing else horrible will happen to you once you leave 🙂

  17. Huh, so Melia gets a few weeks to mourn while you only get a handful of days?

    I think someone's hypocrisy is showing 🤔


    I didn't know that little Growlithe event was added to the game, it's so cute!

    I may have to go back in my own game to see it, I really love little events like this.


    I've never really liked z-moves all that much myself. I feel like they were kind of pointlessly overpowered in the main series games.

    Then again, maybe they're more balanced in fan games due to the increased difficulty...


    "Mainly because of that spoiler up above that I know you all clicked on. "

    Sir, I'm feeling slightly attacked right now...

  18. Yeah the Zetta reveal was... baffling to say the least.

    Too bad you couldn't catch him, could have made for a pretty... interesting teammate.


    That reunion scene with Rose was really sweet, and that achievement really did activate at the best possible moment 😃


    And once again someone comes in to steal your spotlight!

    Sorry, but I think this game may not like you very much...

  19. Hey, don't you know that staring directly at the sun makes your eyes stronger!

    ... Or at least that's what six year old me believed, and the fact that I have to wear glasses now is entirely coincidental I assure you.


    The mad man actually did it, he rode a giant magma lizard. He said he was gonna do it and he did it.

    That's gotta make up for May putting you in the friend zone... right?


    Also what you said about California is completely right.

    I've lived in California my entire life and where you were standing looks exactly like my backyard.

    You can trust me on this, I wouldn't lie to you.

  20. That video was perfect, long live red Godzilla!


    What are the odds of you getting an F from the generator for your Sharpedo?

    I mean at this point it just feels like the universe wants you to continue the Flounder lineage.


    I'm going to assume that Maxie's green eyes have something to do with Celebi and they're not just normally that shade of vibrant viridian?

    I'm really going to have to go back and at least read the Celebi sections of this run...

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