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Posts posted by TheGayestOfThemAll

  1. My organization is called Team Proton.

    We are based in the Mingdai Region (inspired by China), which is different from other regions in that Pokémon were introduced only fifty years ago, with the exception of the region's Dark/Dragon Type legendary, Zhongzu.

    Our leader is a man named Payton, who styles himself as "Proton Chairman".

    Our goal is to build a new, prosperous future for humans. The Pokémon that have been brought to Mingdai have the potential to dramatically improve people's livelihoods. However, the people of Mingdai are currently squandering this potential by training Pokémon for their own amusement. This is unacceptable.

    Our plan is simple. All Pokémon in the Mingdai region will be enslaved and brought to a massive facility, where their power will be used for the benefit of humankind. Their labor will be used to create clean energy, food, and other products. They will also be used in research that would push the boundaries of human understanding. This will lead to a socialist utopia, in which human labor will no longer be necessary, resources will exist in abundance, and everyone will be equal. Rather than using a legendary Pokémon to achieve this end, we are currently in the process of creating a Psychic/Electric Type Pokémon called "Ataru-X", which will use its incredible Psychic power to force all Pokémon in the region to submit to our will.

    Even though we believe that Pokémon training is superficial, it is necessary for the advancement of our goals for us to use Pokémon in battles, and it will be until our revolution is complete. We prefer to use Psychic, Electric, and Steel type Pokémon. One of Chairman Payton's Pokémon is a Metagross, which is capable of Mega Evolution.

    Like Team Magma in the Hoenn Region, we too have a rival in Team Electron. Despite their scientific-sounding name, they are reactionary swine who have no interest in science or technology. While they agree with us that Pokémon should not be used in battles, their rationale is totally different. They to want to return Mingdai to its feudal past, saying that Pokémon are a corrupting influence and are destroying the region's traditional culture. They plan to reawaken the legendary Pokémon Zhongzu, and use its power to slaughter all Pokémon in Mingdai, ostensibly to "purify" the region and "restore its ancient traditions".

    But don't be fooled by their rhetoric. They don't care about Mingdai's ancient past; their leader, Electron Emperor Esau, simply wants power. Case and point: when Chairman Payton visited an ancient ruin to study and research it, Team Electron attempted to assassinate him by planting a bomb at the site. The resulting explosion completely destroyed the ruin (it also destroyed the Chairman's right shin, left leg, left arm, and left eye, but as a testament to the will and wisdom of Team Proton, he was outfitted with cybernetic replacements created by our research staff). The true reason why Team Electron wants to reawaken Zhongzu is that they want to replicate Mingdai's first Emperor, who used that Pokémon to subjugate humankind and halt human advancement.

    It is up to us, the noble Team Proton, and our glorious leader, Chairman Payton, to prevent this from ever happening again.

    Long live the revolution!

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