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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by FireStar

  1. Heyo, sorry I've been gone all this while. much has been going on, and I'll simplify them into 3 areas:
    1) Working on The Triumvirate story
    2) Been playing Pokemon Uranium
    3) I've been recruited as a scriptwriter and a possible mapmaker for a new fangame known as Pokemon BloodMoon.
    though all in all, I'll still end up being rather busy and probably not likely to be commenting regularly for a little while XD
    but for now, enjoy the fact that this user you guys hardly remember is back, for now!

  2. holy shit... the new forum is amazing... far, far better than any other forum I ever attended. Thank you, Amethyst, as well as anybody else who helped upgrade the forum!

  3. just completed Gym 1! be sure to watch both the outtake and the final match in the forums. Now, onto make my trainer card!

  4. Hey there! I'm a newcomer to the Reborn series, called FireStar! I already have some experience with pokemon, and I hope to further my skills on here!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      Welcome to the madness :3

    3. thedeath245


      prepared to get your ass handed by gym leaders / boss pokemon

    4. FireStar


      oh, I'm sure I'll be fine. fun fact: of all my times in Pokemon, only 3 trainers ever gave me serious trouble.

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