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Posts posted by tektonic




    So I beat Titania and went to Celestine Cascade but nothing's happening? I explored most of the gym and found what looks like an underwater battlefield and everything but can't find Amaria or Titania.



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  2. When air slash flinch recoil damage causes wild enemy to faint, an error message pops up. The enemy sprite does not disappear, but battle ends and I gain experience as normal.

    This is happening at the bottom of Route 2 right next to the Celestinine Cascade. I have reproduced this against 2 Ursaring and a Dwebble.

    My guess is it's air slash's flinch effect trying to activate on a fainted enemy.


    Did it again on an Ursaring. Here's the error log.



    Pokemon Reborn
    Exception: NameError
    Message: undefined local variable or method `user' for #<PokeBattle_Battler:0xa721428>
    PokeBattle_Battler:3244:in `pbTryUseMove'
    PokeBattle_Battler:3609:in `pbUseMove'
    PokeBattle_Battler:4621:in `pbProcessTurn'
    PokeBattle_Battler:4620:in `logonerr'
    PokeBattle_Battler:4620:in `pbProcessTurn'
    PokeBattle_Battle:3706:in `pbAttackPhase'
    PokeBattle_Battle:3705:in `each'
    PokeBattle_Battle:3705:in `pbAttackPhase'
    PokeBattle_Battle:3422:in `pbStartBattleCore'
    PokeBattle_Battle:3421:in `logonerr'

  3. It is never a good idea to update to new version when you're in the middle of the story and you should also check for proper locations to save before updating.

    But anyway you will have to redo all the Angie story because a lot of things have changed in events there from v6

    Thanks njab. I updated in Gearen lab, didn't think to check what would happen in the middle of the story.

  4. Updated to v8 from v6 after stuff in Theolia church dimensional rift but before beating Angie.

    Now I'm stuck in Tower of Theolia. When I returned to fight Angie she was not at the battlefield. While descending the tower (I'm guessing this is backwards) looking for her, I triggered an event where Venam and Angie speak but are not visible. Also triggered some animation I didn't understand between a male-looking character and a blue-haired female-looking character. Nothing else happens anywhere in the tower to advance the story. The game does not let me return to the dimensional rift/battlefield area to get out of the tower.

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