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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Chillds

  1. But I have a theory in which Ame always releases an episode at the worst possible time for me. So looking at my school life: there's a test I have due on Wednesday so...she'll upload it on the Tuesday after Black Friday. I'm calling it now.

    Is it me, or do others also just have a sneaking suspicion that Ame will never release EP16 and put us through an eternal hell is going to release EP16 the day after your prediction just to spite you?

  2. Thank you so much for all the advice. Everything will be taken into consideration when I start my playthough. This definitely seems like the Pokémon game for me!

    Jesus. Allah. Buddha. Krishna. Zeus. The Old Gods and the New. The Lord of Light.

    Make friends with one or more of these motherfuckers, you're going to need as much divine intervention as you can.

    Or follow the advice above, whatever...

    How about both?
  3. Title pretty much says it all. I heard about Reborn fairly recently and decided to start once Episode 16 came out, just to make everything easier on myself. So, any tips for me without spoilers? Also, I definitely didn't make this topic just to introduce myself to the community or anything like that.

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